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How to move a Software Repository location on a distribution server?


You are managing computers in the remote office using distribution server and the drive on which the distribution server is installed is running out of free disk space. This could be because of the software repository, you can move the software repository to a different drive in the same computer to increase the free disk space. This document provides steps required to move a software repository's location on a distribution server.


Follow the steps mentioned below to move the location of  a software repository on a Distribution Server.

Note: The software repository should be maintained on the same computer where the Distribution Server is installed.

  1. Open Command Prompt and Run as admininistrator, on the computer where the Distribution Server is installed.
  2. Navigate to the Distribution server location, <DS_INSTALL_DIR>\Scripts\
  3. Execute the command "wscript  changepath.vbs   softwarerepository <new path>" the new path indicates the new software repository location.
    For example: wscript  changepath.vbs   softwarerepository "D:\ManageEngine\DesktopCentral\SoftwareRepository"
  4. Copy all the folders available under the <DS_INSTALL_DIR>\replication\swrepository\ to new software repository location.

You have successfully changed the software repository location on the Distribution Server. So that all the software packages will be replicated from the product server to the new software repository.

Refer to migrate your Patch Repository on a Distribution Server

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