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How can I image a Linux computer with an UEMS Agent installed on it using other imaging solutions?



This document will guide you to image a Linux computer with the agent on it. There are few pre-requisites which are described below.

Note: OS Deployment does not support Mac OS and Linux OS currently. Please let us know here if you'd like to have Linux imaging.


The agent has a unique id which represents the machine with its name and system details. If more than one agent is identified with the same id, the details listed in the product console will be overwritten. This would end up listing details of only one computer thought there are several computers with the same id. So in order to avoid this issue, follow the steps mentioned below to image a computer with agent on it.


Steps to be performed on the computer which is to be used for imaging.

  1. Install the UEMS agent in the computer.
  2. Ensure that you have super user privileges to perform the below actions.
  3. Open the terminal and run this command
    systemctl stop dcservice.service (For SystemD)
    /etc/init.d/dcservice stop (For SystemVInit)
    to stop the UEMS Agent Service.
  4. Download LinuxOSImager_AMD or LinuxOSImager_ARM in the Machine. 

    Download the AMD or ARM version according to your system architecture. You can run the "arch" command to identify your system's architecture.

  5. Navigate to the location where "LinuxOSImager_AMD or LinuxOSImager_ARM" is stored, open terminal and run this command "chmod +x LinuxOSImager_AMD.bin" or "chmod +x LinuxOSImager_ARM.bin". This prepares the file for execution.
  6. Run this command : "./LinuxOSImager_AMD set" or "./LinuxOSImager_ARM set". Now the machine will be marked as imaged.
  7. Take the Image of the OS. 
  8. Run the command : "./LinuxOSImager_AMD reset" or "./LinuxOSImager_ARM reset". This is needed for the machine to contact the product server.
  9. Restart the UEMS Agent Service by running this command
    systemctl restart dcservice.service (For SystemD)
    /etc/init.d/dcservice restart (For SystemVInit)

Steps to be performed on the computer where the image will be deployed.

    1. Deploy the OS image in the new machine.
    2. Rename the New machine.
    3. Open the terminal and run this command
      systemctl restart dcservice.service (For SystemD)
      /etc/init.d/dcservice restart (For SystemVInit)
       as root user.
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