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This document will provide solution for some of the common error codes you might face while installing Windows 10.

Errors you might encounter while installing Windows 10


Error Codes
  • Unknown error code : 50001

Error due to can't get the data from the ISO

Logs are necessary to find what is the exact reason.

  • Incorrect Function

  • Unknown error code : 50002

  • Unknown error code : 50004

  • Invalid function

  • The system cannot find the file specified

Corrupted ISO File

Delete the existing ISO File from the patch store. Then, re-download the ISO file from MS365 Admin Center or using the media creation tool and rename and copy the ISO file in the patches store and re-deploy the feature pack update.

  • Unknown error code : 50003

Edition Mismatch

This error occurs if you have the Enterprise edition of Windows 10 but try to deploy ISO file of other editions. 

Kindly download and deploy the ISO file that's applicable to your edition.

  • Access is denied 

  • Unknown error code : 50005

You might have configured GPO / Antivirus / EndPoint Security to block external drives and launching of setup.exe


Access was denied to migrate the data.

Follow the below steps to resolve the issue,

  1. Allow external drives mounting and launching of setup.exe in your GPO / Antivirus / EndPoint Security.

  2. Make sure that you have given read/write access to the following folders (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData, C:\Windows\System3 & C:\Apps)

  3. Go to C: drive in the file explorer. 

  4. Click View and check the "Hidden Files" check box.

  5. Rename the folder named "$WINDOWS. ~ BT".

  6. Re-deploy the feature pack.

  • Unknown error code : 50006

  • Unknown Error Code : -1047526908

Language Mismatch

This error occurs if you've downloaded the ISO file in a different language than your system's native language.

Kindly download the ISO file in your correct applicable language.


  • Unknown error code : 50007

Version Mismatch

This issue occurs if you've downloaded the ISO file mismatches with the systems' OS version. Say, You've downloaded the ISO file for Windows  10 1803 but deploy it to Windows 10 1809 

To resolve this issue, kindly download the ISO file that's applicable to your OS version.


  • Unknown error code : 50008

Unable to retrieve the mounted drive letter

You might have configured GPO / Antivirus / EndPoint Security to block PowerShell commands.

Allow PowerShell commands in the GPO / Antivirus / EndPoint Security and then re-deploy the feature pack.

  • Unknown error code : 50009

ISO file placed in the patches folder/ patch store is less than 3 GB for windows 10 x64 bit machine or less than 2 GB for windows 10 x86 bit machine.

To resolve the issue, Delete the ISO file in the patches folder of client machine and redeploy the feature pack

If the size of the ISO file present in the patch store is also lesser than the prescribed size then delete the existing ISO File from the patch store. Then, re-download the ISO file from VLSC or using the media creation tool and rename and copy the ISO file in the patches store and re-deploy the feature pack update.

  • Unknown error code : 50016

Restart Pending from the previous Feature Pack Installation.

Restart the system to complete the windows feature upgrade.

  • Unknown error code: 50019

This error represents the failure of the extraction of the ISO. This can be caused by multiple reasons, such as Access denied, Corrupted file

Logs are necessary to find what is the exact reason

  • Unknown error code: 50030

This error occurs If the given ISO file has ESD

  1. Extract "1" folder from the ESD.
  2. Once Extracted Check if the "sources" folder is present there or not.
  3. Copy the.iso to "sources" folder and save as "install.esd".
  4. Once completed, move all the files to a "Windows" folder.
  5. Once moved. Finally, delete the "1" folder which is extracted initially.
If any of the steps causes failure, this error will be returned.


Logs are necessary to find what is the exact reason for the failure of processing of ESD.

  • Unknown error code: 50032

If the failure of the construction of the scheduler.xml which is essential for creating the process for setup.exe using task scheduler or failed to get the result from the executed setup.exe

Logs are necessary to find what is the exact reason for the failure of this error code

  • Unknown error code: 50033

During the initial validation of ISO, after extraction search for install.wim or install.esd. If either of them was not found, this error will be thrown

Need to check the ISO file whether it is the proper Windows ISO. kindly mount the uploaded ISO file and go to sources folder then check install.esd / install.wim file is present or not.If the file is not present, you need to download the new ISO file.

  • Unknown Error code : 183

  • Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

  • The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

  • Unknown Error code: -2147023278

Setup.exe might be already running in the background

To fix this issue, open Task Manager and check whether the following tasks are running

  1. setup.exe

  2. setup host.exe

  3. windows installer

  4. windows setup

  5. Modern setup host

If the any of the above tasks are running, kill the tasks and try deploying the feature pack again.

  • Unknown Error Code -1047526904

Incompatible apps present in the system is blocking the upgrade

  1. Navigate to <agent-installed-dir>\logs\panther

  2. Open scanresult.xml and Compatdata.xml and search for CompatibilityInfo BlockingType="Hard". You will be able to find all the incompatible apps installed on the computer.

  • Unknown Error Code : -1047526912

  • Unknown Error Code : -1047526910

Your PC doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to download or install the upgrade to Windows 10

  1. Navigate to <agent-installed-dir>\logs\panther

  2. open scanresult.xml and Compatdata.xml and search for CompatibilityInfo BlockingType="Hard". You will be able to find which system requirement is not satisfied

  3. "Setup_InsufficientSystemPartitionDiskSpace" indicates "Your system reserved partition does not have enough space for the upgrade", So extend the system reserved partition space.

  4. "Setup_HostIsBootedFromVHD" indicates "Your Operating system running in the native Boot VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) where OS upgradation is not possible".

  5. "Setup_PendingFirmwareUpdateWithPower" - If a firmware update is pending because of power this error may occur, Update the firmware and then deploy feature pack

  6. Learn more about the minimum requirements for Windows 10

  • Unknown error code : -1047527161

The Unknown error code : -1047527161 (0xC1900107) indicates "A cleanup operation from a previous installation attempt is still pending, and a system restart is required to continue the upgrade."

Method 1:

Restart the system and Re-deploy the feature pack update.


Method 2:

  • %1 is not a valid Win32 application

This error occurs when you have deployed the dependency patch of feature pack.

Scan the systems and check the missing patches list. Deploy the patch where its description starts with "Feature Pack Update".

  • Unable to download the dependency file from the server

There might be connectivity issue between server and agent

  1. Re-deploy the feature pack update.

  2. If still problem persists, contact support

  • Unknown Error Code -2147010798

A file needed by Windows Update is likely damaged or missing

Try repairing your system files,

  1. Open an elevated command prompt

  2. Copy and paste the below command
    DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth  and hit enter.

  3. Re-deploy the feature pack update

  • Unknown Error Code : -1047527167

A driver has caused a problem.

  1. Disable or remove all 3rd party antivirus or antispyware from your system. Disconnect all peripheral devices that are connected to the system, except for the mouse, keyboard and display.

  2. Update installed drivers.

  3. Re-deploy the feature pack

  • Unknown Error. Code : -1047526939

  • Unknown Error. Code : -1047526940

  • Unknown Error. Code : -1047526941

  • Unknown Error. Code : -1047526942

A preinstall script failed to execute or returned an error.

You are using Custom Script that can set up a few things right along with the installation. These scrips can install software, apply group policy, and so on. If you are receiving any of these error codes, then there is a problem with the script. 

  • Unknown error code: 1073741819
  • Unknown error code: 1073740940
  • Unknown error code: 1073741584
  • Unknown error code: 1047527137
An unexpected crash of the deployment executable files (setup.exe & setuphost.exe)

Upgrade the system by uploading January 2024 released ISO or later. The user can download ISO from Microsoft 365 admin center or else using Media Creation Tool manually.

  • Unknown error code : 50031
Feature pack installation skipped as same version installed recently.

If the endpoint machine was successfully installed using the preceding configuration, then retrying the deployment with the same ISO build version within 3 days of the previous successful installation can cause this error.

If wants to redeploy with the same ISO build version, remove the following file from the affected system:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\logs\installed_fp_details.json.


Once removed, retry the deployment.

  • Unknown error code : 50034
Task Scheduler failed to create a task for Windows setup (Windows 10 to Windows 11)

Modify the registry value in the affected system to create the process for the Windows setup using an alternative method:

  • Sub Key: SOFTWARE\AdventNet\DesktopCentral\DCAgent\Patch\InternalSettings.

If the system is 64bit :

  • Sub Key: SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\AdventNet\DesktopCentral\DCAgent\Patch\InternalSettings.
  • Value name: WinFPForceCreateProcess
  • Datatype: DWORD
  • Value data: 1 .

Once added, retry the deployment.

  • Unknown error code : 50035
Rollback case may have occurred. This could be due to an antivirus (AV) blocking the setup process.

Check if any AV is enabled and disable it before retrying the upgrade.

If the customer attempts to redeploy the same ISO build version, they may need to wait three days before reattempting.

To redeploy immediately, remove the following file from the affected system:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\logs\installed_fp_details.json

Once removed, retry the deployment.

Also, Refer the official Microsoft documents attached below:

If still problem persists, contact support

Check the errors you might encounter while installing Windows 11

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