Windows event logs, Syslogs and Application logs can be imported for analysis and report generation.
How to import log files?
Refer the ‘Import log file’ topic to import the logs.
Imported Log Files
In the Imported Log Files page all the logs imported to EventLog Analyzer for monitoring are displayed. There are two tabs, Event log imports and Application log imports.
The Event log imports table displays the event log files imported along with the name of the imported file, the name of the host from which it was imported, the type of log, the method of import (HTTP/FTP), the time it was imported, the start time and end time of the log record, and the type of report generated.
The Application log imports table displays the application log files imported along with the name of the imported file, the description of the log format, the name of the remote host from which it was imported, the current status of the import, the time it was imported, the size of the imported log file, the time taken to import the file, the protocol used to import (HTTP/FTP), and the action to load the log file in to the database and search, search the logs if it already loaded in to the database and drop it from the database.