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IBM AS/400 reports

EventLog Analyzer supports IBM iSeries (AS/400) devices and provides out-of-the-box reports on:

  1. Journal logons and logoffs: The reports in this category provide information on all journal logons and logoffs.
  2. User activity: These reports offer insights into user profile changes, authority changes, logons and logoffs, objects deleted, ownership changes, disabled user profiles due to maximum number of sign-on attempts.
  3. Logon failures: The reports in this category provide information on failed logons and authorization, and logon failure due to invalid passwords.
  4. System events: These reports provide information on system value changes and time changes, expired system IDs, password bypass period, and information on subsystem varied off workstation.
  5. Job logs: These reports provide information on top jobs based on users, successful job start and end, and changes made to jobs.
  6. Storage events: These reports provide information on breach of ASP storage threshold, storage directory threshold, and reports on serious storage conditions.
  7. Battery condition: These reports provide information on battery cache expiry, weak battery and battery failures.
  8. Reports on i5 grace period expiry
  9. Configuration and hardware: These reports provide information on device configuration, hardware errors, disk unit errors, temporary IO Processor errors, and system processor failure.

IBM reports dashboard

IBM AS/400 reports
  1. Go to the Reports section and select IBM AS/400.
  2. The panel on the left lists all the available out-of-box reports for IBM AS/400. Select the report you want to view.
  3. IBM AS/400 reports
  4. You can filter data based on device and time period. To view the security events of specific device, select the IBM AS400 device from Select Device drop down list. Click Add.
  5. IBM AS/400 reports
  6. You can further filter and view the security events based on Source, Severity and Device. To do this, click on the filter icon.
  7. This opens the Create Filter dialog box. Select the appropriate criteria.

    IBM AS/400 reports
  8. To view the security events of specific time period, select the period from tbe Period calendar option on the top right corner and click Apply.
  9. IBM AS/400 reports
  10. To quickly export the report in view, click Export as and choose the format. You can then download the report.
  11. IBM AS/400 reports
  12. Click Schedule to have this report exported and emailed periodically.
  13. IBM AS/400 reports
  14. Click More for further customization options.
    1. Set as Default, to set this report as the default for IBM AS/400 reports.
    2. Add to Favorites, to mark this report as favorite.
    3. Pin to dashboard, to pin this report to the main dashboard in the Home page.
    IBM AS/400 reports

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