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across your network with ease.

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EventLog Analyzer is trusted by over
10000 customers


HIPAA Compliance management made easy


Successful customer case study

Discover how Crusader Community Health transformed their HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity strategy with ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer.

Click here to learn more
HIPAA compliance EventLog Analyzer reports
Sec 164.306 (a) (1) "Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic protected health information the covered entity or business associate creates, receives, maintains, or transmits."
  • Network Device Logon Reports
  • Network Device Attack Reports
  • AWS User Activity
  • Cloud User Login Activity
Sec 164.306 (a) (1) (i) "Implement policies and procedures to prevent, detect, contain, and correct security violations."
  • Network Device Logon Reports
  • Network Device Attack Reports
  • Network Device Configuration Reports
  • Network Device Security Reports
  • AWS User Activity
  • Route 53
  • VPC Activity
  • Storage Activity Reports
  • WAF Reports
  • AWS Network Security Groups
  • AWS Config Reports
  • Database Reports
  • EC2 Reports
  • Amazon Auto Scaling Reports
  • Amazon ELB Reports
  • Cloud User Login Activity
Sec 164.308 (a) (1) (ii) (D) "Implement procedures to regularly review records of information system activity, such as audit logs, access reports, and security incident tracking reports."
  • File Changes
  • Network Device Logon Reports
  • Network Device Attack Reports
  • Network Device Security Reports
  • IAM Activity
  • File Changes Audit
  • VPC Activity
  • Storage Activity Reports
  • Database Reports
  • EC2 Reports
  • Amazon Auto Scaling Reports
  • Amazon ELB Reports
Sec 164.308 (a) (3) (ii) (A) "Procedures for the authorization and/or supervision of workforce members who work with electronic protected health information or in locations where it might be accessible."
  • User Account Validation
  • AWS Failed/Unauthorized Activity
Sec 164.308 (a) (4) (ii) (B) "Policies and procedures for granting access to electronic protected health information, for example, through access to a workstation, transaction, program, process, or other mechanism."
  • User Account Validation
  • AWS Security Token Service
  • Traffic Analysis Reports
Sec 164.308 (a) (5) (ii) (C) "Procedures for monitoring log-in attempts and reporting discrepancies."
  • Windows Logon Reports
  • Terminal Service Session
  • Unix Logon Reports
Sec 164.308 (a) (6) (ii) "Identify and respond to suspected or known security incidents; mitigate, to the extent practicable, and document security incidents and their outcomes."
  • Windows Logon Reports
  • Terminal Service Session
  • Unix Logon Reports
Sec 164.308 (a) (7) (i) "Policies and procedures for responding to an emergency or other occurrence that damages systems that contain electronic protected health information."
  • Windows System Event

What else does EventLog Analyzer offer?


    A powerful correlation engine

    Detect network anomalies and trace security threats with a powerful correlation engine that holds over 30 predefined correlation rules and a drag-and-drop custom rule builder.

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    In-depth auditing and reporting

    Audit every entity in your network and obtain a detailed overview on what's happening in the network in the form of intuitive dashboards and reports.

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    Automated incident management

    Assign tickets in an external help desk console for security events of interest to speed up incident resolution.

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    Augmented threat intelligence

    Detect malicious IP addresses, URLs, or domain interactions with the built-in global IP threat intelligence database and STIX/FEED processor.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is HIPAA?
  • What comes under protected health information?
  • How does EventLog Analyzer assist companies in meeting HIPAA requirements?
  • What are the three main rules of HIPAA?
  • What is protected by HIPAA?

1. What is HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law designed to refine the movement and continuity of health insurance coverage in individual and group markets.

Title I of HIPAA compliance: HIPAA ensures health insurance coverage for employees and their families when there is a shift in or loss of jobs.

Title II of HIPAA compliance: Also known as the the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions, this section encourages the electronic exchange of healthcare information. These provisions outline the standards and policies for protecting personally identifiable information maintained by healthcare bodies. They also require the establishment of standards for electronic healthcare transactions and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers.

The Omnibus Rule: The Omnibus Rule defines privacy and security requirements for healthcare providers, health plans, and other entities that process health insurance claims. It encompasses requirements for business associates of these entities that hold access to protected health information.

2. What comes under protected health information?

HIPAA is designed to secure the protected health information of patients. This includes all individually identifiable health details like test results, medical history, insurance details, demographic data, and other details specific to a patient and their healthcare services.

3. How does EventLog Analyzer assist companies in meeting HIPAA requirements?

EventLog Analyzer is a unified log management solution that automates log collection and parsing, analyzing, correlating, and archiving your network's log data. The solution makes sense of the network activities and presents them in the form of intuitive dashboards and reports. EventLog Analyzer's in-depth auditing capabilities address IT compliance mandates like HIPAA by monitoring sensitive object access, user account behavior, logon and logoff events, and more. You can also receive instant alerts when any compliance violation is identified in the network. The exhaustive reports provided by the solution simplify compliance management.

EventLog Analyzer supports other common compliance mandates as well.

4. What are the three main rules of HIPAA?

There are three key rules that form the core of HIPAA:

  • The privacy rule: It protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information, balancing patient confidentiality with the need to protect public health.
  • The security rule: HIPPA sets forth standards for safeguarding electronic PHI (ePHI). It mandates that covered entities enforce extensive administrative, physical, and technical measures to ensure the security of ePHI.
  • The breach notification rule: In situations where there is a breach of unsecured PHI, covered entities along with their business associates are bound to notify the affected individuals, the secretary of health and human services, and in certain circumstances, inform the media.

To read more about this, please read our HIPAA compliance guide.

5. What is protected by HIPAA?

HIPAA safeguards all personally identifiable health information held or exchanged by a covered entity or their business associate, regardless of the format — electronic, on paper, or spoken. This protection covers:

  • A person's health history, including their past, current, or future physical or mental health condition.
  • The provision, or payment for, healthcare services to the individual.
  • Any piece of information that could identify an individual or might reasonably be used for identification purposes.

HIPAA ensures PHI is treated with the utmost confidentiality and security. It safeguards patients' privacy rights while enabling the essential flow of health information necessary to ensure high-quality health care.

Simplify HIPAA audits and logging with EventLog Analyzer

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HIPAA Compliance Guide


EventLog Analyzer Trusted By

Los Alamos National Bank Michigan State University
Panasonic Comcast
Oklahoma State University IBM
Accenture Bank of America
Ernst Young

Customer Speaks

  • Credit Union of Denver has been using EventLog Analyzer for more than four years for our internal user activity monitoring. EventLog Analyzer provides great value as a network forensic tool and for regulatory due diligence. This product can rapidly be scaled to meet our dynamic business needs.
    Benjamin Shumaker
    Vice President of IT / ISO
    Credit Union of Denver
  • The best thing, I like about the application, is the well structured GUI and the automated reports. This is a great help for network engineers to monitor all the devices in a single dashboard. The canned reports are a clever piece of work.
    Joseph Graziano, MCSE CCA VCP
    Senior Network Engineer
  • EventLog Analyzer has been a good event log reporting and alerting solution for our information technology needs. It minimizes the amount of time we spent on filtering through event logs and provides almost near real-time notification of administratively defined alerts.
    Joseph E. Veretto
    Operations Review Specialist
    Office of Information System
    Florida Department of Transportation
  • Windows Event logs and device Syslogs are a real time synopsis of what is happening on a computer or network. EventLog Analyzer is an economical, functional and easy-to-utilize tool that allows me to know what is going on in the network by pushing alerts and reports, both in real time and scheduled. It is a premium software Intrusion Detection System application.
    Jim Lloyd
    Information Systems Manager
    First Mountain Bank
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Awards and Recognitions

A Single Pane of Glass for Comprehensive Log Management
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