Check Windows Terminal Server logs

How to check Windows terminal server logs

Windows Terminal Services, renamed to Windows Remote Desktop Services in Windows 2008 machines and beyond, allows employees to connect remotely to a Windows machine to access critical company resources or services from any device, any time. It's important for administrators to monitor these remote connections and understand who is using their Windows terminal servers, when, and why. This is possible by going through Windows Terminal Services logs and following the steps below:

  • Open Event Viewer.
  • Navigate to Application and Service Logs → Microsoft → Windows → TerminalServices-Gateway (or) TerminalServices-Operational.

EventLog Analyzer provides predefined reports and alerts for Windows terminal server activities. The reports are easy to understand and offer a quicker way of analyzing your terminal server logs and identifying events of interest. The alerts help you be the first to know when anything goes wrong on your terminal servers. Learn more about EventLog Analyzer.

Windows Log Analysis Tool

EventLog Analyzer is a comprehensive log management software with which you can centrally collect, analyze, and manage logs from all the different log sources in your network. You also get reports and alerts on your network security, making it a power-packed IT security tool.

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