Content Search Profiles
The Exchange Server Content Search Profiles feature allows you to create and customize content search profiles to search for information across your Exchange Server mailboxes.
Creating a new search profile
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > Exchange Server > Content Search Profiles.
- Choose the Organization Name from the drop-down.
- Click on the Create New Profile option in the top-right corner.
- Enter a suitable Name for the profile.
- Select the Exchange Organization from the Organization Name drop-down.
- In the Mailbox field, click the + icon to select the mailboxes that you need to search.
- Set the Keywords criteria. Add more than one criteria using the + icon.
- Choose a specific folder if required, then set the Gathering Interval.
- Click Create.
Enabling or disabling a search profile
To enable or disable a search profile:
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > Exchange Server > Content Search Profiles.
- Choose the Organization Name from the drop-down.
- Click on the
icon under the Actions column corresponding to the profile you want to disable, or click on
to enable the profile.
Modifying a search profile
To modify an existing search profile:
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > Exchange Server > Content Search Profiles.
- Choose the Organization Name from the drop-down.
- Click on the
icon under the Actions column corresponding to the profile you want to edit.
- Modify the profile fields in the window that appears, then click Update.
Deleting a search profile
To delete a search profile:
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > Exchange Server > Content Search Profiles.
- Choose the Organization Name from the drop-down.
- Click on the
icon under the Actions column corresponding to the profile you want to delete.
- Choose Yes in the pop-up that appears.