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Log/Database Path

The Log/Database Path option lets you edit the default message traffic log, OWA (IIS) log, and information store paths. The log path information will be available only after the first predefined data gathering tasks are executed. To edit the default log paths:

  1. Go to the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to Configuration → Exchange Server → Log/Database Path.
  3. Select the Organization and Server Name from the drop-down for which the paths need to be edited.
  4. Click the Edit Path option corresponding to the paths.
  5. Enter the modified path, and click the icon-save icon.

The message traffic logs, OWA (IIS) logs, and failed request logs generated thereafter will be saved under the corresponding new paths.

The path details can be in any one of the following formats:

Log path info is collected from Active Directory. Log path changes made by an user in MS Exchange are not automatically reflected in Active Directory, so it's advisable to change that manually using the Log Path option. A manual update of the log paths in the product is always given preference over the log path information collected from Active Directory.

This option helps you to enable advanced logging for OWA (IIS) data. To enable this setting:

  1. Click the Advanced Logging option corresponding to the OWA (IIS) Log Path.
  2. Select Enable Advance Logging.
  3. If you are using a load balancer in your network, enter the Log Name and Custom Header to track the actual client IP address.
  4. Note: Click the Configuration steps option to see how to enable advanced IIS logging for IIS server version 8.5 and later.
  5. Click Save.

From the Database Path option of Exchange Reporter Plus, you can view and edit all paths of information stores configured in your Exchange organization. To edit the default database storage path:

  1. Go to the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to Configuration → Exchange Server → Log/Database Path.
  3. Select the Organization and Server Name from the drop-down.
  4. Click the icon corresponding to the Information Store you would like to edit.
  5. In the modify screen that appears, change the EDB Path and STM Path.
  6. Click Update.

The information stores in Exchange Server 2003 are stored in two different formats: .edb and .stm. Exchange Reporter Plus lists both of these storage paths in different columns. The databases in Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 are stored in a single .edb format, which is shown accordingly.

Note: A manual update of the Database Path is always preferred over the database path information collected from Active Directory. Exchange Reporter Plus collects the size of information store from the database path displayed. The database path info first available (immediately after the initial data gathering task is executed) is collected from Active Directory. A change made to a database storage path in MS Exchange is not automatically reflected in Active Directory, implying that the information store data is not up-to-date in the product either. For this reason, it's advisable to change the path manually using the Database Path option.

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