Custom Reports
Customs Reports offered by Exchange Reporter Plus are a set of mailbox and public folder content reports, room mailbox related reports, email response time reports, and calendar folder permission reports. Navigate to the Reports tab → Exchange Server → Custom Reports to get the list of custom reports available.

The reports available under this category are classified into five major subcategories:
Preconfigured Custom Reports
Mailbox Content Reports
- Folder Message Count and Size: Shows all mailbox folders, their path, and the number and size of emails in each folder.
- Folder-wise Unread Emails with Subject: Shows the total number of unread emails in each folder, along with their subject.
- Messages by Subject Keyword: Shows all emails filtered by subject keywords, along with the sender and receiver details.
- Messages by Body Keyword: Shows all emails filtered by keywords in the email body.
- Attachments by File Name Keyword: Shows all emails filtered by attachment file name keyword.
- Attachments by File Extension Keyword: Shows all emails filtered by attachment file extension keyword. For example, you can configure the report to detect all emails that contain EXE or ZIP attachments.
- Attachments by File Size: Shows all emails filtered by attachment file size. For example, you can configure the report to detect all emails that contain attachments over 5MB in size.
- Message Count and Size Summary: Shows the total number of emails and the total size of emails present in a mailbox, server, or database for the entire month or year.
- Folder-wise Read Mails with Subject: Shows the total number of read emails in each folder along with their subjects.
Public Folder Content Reports
- Messages by Subject Keyword: Lists all public folder messages filtered by subject keywords.
- Messages by Body Keyword: Lists all public folder messages filtered by body keywords.
- Attachments by File Name Keyword: Lists all public folder messages filtered by attachment filename keywords.
- Attachments by File Extension Keyword: Lists all public folder messages filtered by attachment filename extension keywords.
- Attachments by File Size: Lists all public folder messages filtered by file size.
Room Mailbox Reports
- Room Mailbox Usage: Shows the top room mailboxes in terms of usage.
- User Booking Count: Shows the number of bookings made by users for each room mailbox.
- Appointments: Shows the appointment details of the selected room mailboxes.
Folder Permissions
- Calendar Folder Permissions: Lists all the users who have access to the calendar folder and their access rights.
Email Traffic Reports
- Email Response Time: Shows the email response time for the selected mailboxes.