Storage reports

It is important to know about the size of your Exchange Server database and its growth over a period of time to ensure you don’t run out of storage space. Navigate to the Reports tab → Exchange Server → Storage to get information regarding mailbox, server, and pubic folder databases.


Preconfigured Storage reports

The reports available under this category are classified into three major subcategories:

Mailbox Database Reports

Note: To ensure accurate reporting for Archive Mailbox Size and Archive Mailbox Size Growth reports, please enable the Retrieve archive state setting in the Mailbox Account Properties task in all the Mailbox Account Properties tasks. If this setting is disabled for the Archive Mailbox Size report, the Archive Size attribute will not be fetched and the Archive Mailbox Growth report will not be generated. Please follow the steps below to enable this setting:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Exchange Server > Task Scheduling.
  2. Click the icon-edit icon next to the Mailbox Account Properties task.
  3. In the new window that opens, ensure the box next to Retrieve archived state is checked.
  4. Click Update to save the changes.
  5. Similarly, enable Retrieve archive state for all Mailbox Account Properties tasks associated with the generation of Archive Mailbox Size and Archive Mailbox Size Growth reports.


Public Folder Database Reports

Server Reports

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