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Mailbox permissions include send as, send on behalf of, and full access permissions. Besides these, there are certain other non-owner and owner permissions like folder access and read permissions for mailboxes. There are also a couple of PowerShell commands for configuring and monitoring mailbox permissions.
Using this cmdlet, you can find out which users in your Exchange organization have what permissions for a particular mailbox. This cmdlet also displays a list of all the mailbox permissions (owner and non-owner).
This cmdlet can be used to provide mailbox permissions such as send as, send on behalf of, full access, or owner permissions to any user in your organization for a particular mailbox.
These are just the basic scripts. To address other needs such as triggering real-time alerts on permission changes, or saving the report in a specific folder/network share, the scripts have to be modified. This will only make the script more complex. Exchange Reporter Plus offers purpose-built reports to meet such complex needs.
Exchange Reporter Plus provides real-time insights on mailbox permissions. You can schedule the reports to get regular updates on the mailbox permission changes. This way you can more effectively monitor access rights and keep your organization’s mailboxes secure. Exchange Reporter Plus facilitates granular monitoring of mailbox permissions with predefined reports such as:
Get the list of all users who have mailbox access rights for specified mailboxes.
List all permissions that a particular user has on the mailboxes available in your Exchange organization.
Know all permissions that are assigned to the non-owners of a particular mailbox.
Equip yourself with the list of users who have access permissions to a particular shared mailbox.
To generate these reports:
That's it! With just a couple of clicks, Exchange Reporter Plus helps you get all the information you need to monitor mailbox permissions. To learn more about how Exchange Reporter Plus addresses complex Exchange functions, click here.