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Configuring Squid Proxy Server

For Squid v2.7 and above carry out the following configuration:

Carry out the following changes in the services file:

  • Edit the services file in the /etc directory
  • Check the port in the syslog server settings UDP 514/1514 is UP
  • Save the file and exit the editor

Device Side Configuration

  • Open the squid.conf file and find the below command:

    access_log <location of file> squid

    Append the new command after the above command:

    access_log udp://<Firewall Analyzer IP Address>:514/1514 squid

  • Restart the Squid Service

For Squid v2.6 carry out the following configuration:

Device Side Configuration

  • Open the squid.conf file and find the below command:

    access_log <location of file> squid

    Append the new command after the above command:

    access_log syslog squid

  • Restart the Squid Service

Carry out the following changes in the syslog.conf file:

  • Login as root user and edit the syslog.conf/rsyslog.conf file in the /etc directory
  • Append *.*<space/tab>@<server_name> at the end, where <server_name> is the name of the machine on which Firewall Analyzer is running
  • Save the configuration and exit the editor

Carry out the following changes in the services file:

  • Edit the services file in the /etc directory
  • Check the port in the syslog server settings UDP 514/1514 is UP
  • Save the file and exit the editor

Restart the syslog service on the host using the command:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog restart

Configuring syslog-ng daemon in a Linux host

  • Append the following entries at the end of syslog-ng.conf file in the /etc/syslog-ng/ directory:

destination firewallanalyzer { udp("<server_name>" port(514)); };

log { source(src); destination(firewallanalyzer); };

where <server_name> is the IP address of the machine on which Firewall Analyzer is running.

  • Restart syslog service


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