REST API - Firewall Analyzer

    Firewall Analyzer offers REST APIs for adding and fetching data from Firewall Analyzer. Using these APIs, you can integrate Firewall Analyzer with 3rd party IT management/service desk software.

    How Firewall Analyzer REST APIs work? 

    The APIs work with an API key. The API key is unique for each Firewall Analyzer account and has to be passed as a parameter in every API request made. Default API key is available and you can regenerate API key.

    Go to Settings > Basic Settings > REST API in Firewall Analyzer web client andyou will find the API key.

     Generate API Key 

    To generate an API key, click on Regenerate Key.


    API List:




    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getWidgetsList GET Fetches all widgets available in the given dashboard apiKey - API Key to access your FirewallAnalyzer server.
    dashboardName - dashboard ID.
    getWidgetData GET Displays the data present in the given widget apiKey - API Key to access your FirewallAnalyzer server.
    widgetID - Widget ID
    getDashboardList GET Fetches all available dashboards apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/getDashboardList?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f
    getReportData GET To get the data for the reports. reportName - Name of the report.
    RBBNAME - Name of the report Building block.
    reportParams - Parameters in the report(in json object format).
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether search is done or not.
    rows - No of rows.
    page - Page number
    sortByColumn - Based on which column is the data sorted.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is in ascending order or descending order.
    snapType - Type of the snapshot.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not. 
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget.
    value - To determine the drilldown.
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    getCompleteData GET To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. reportName - Name of the report.
    RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender)
    reportParams - The parameters for the report.
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether the report is based on search or not.
    rows - Total number of rows.
    page - Total number of pages.
    sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order.
    timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected.
    startDate - The start date and time for the report generated.
    endDate - The end date and time for the report generated.
    pdf - Type of the report generated.
    resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not.
    wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used.
    applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not.
    rid - Resource ID.
    selColId - Selected Collector ID.
    snapType - Type of the snapshot taken.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not.
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    reportSubTitle - SubTitle for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    expand - Whether it is expanded or not.
    pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget.
    value - To determine the drilldown.
    url - Url of the requet.
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    ifCrit - Interface Criteria
    pGroup - Protocol Group
    ATTACK - Attack parameters.
    clientType - Type of the client
    bwUsageType - Bandwidth Usage Type.
    eventType - Type of the event.
    showWidgets GET Display all available widgets in a dashboard apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/showWidgets?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f
    listCCTVView GET Lists all the CCTV views apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/listCCTVView?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f
    getDashBoardsForCCTV GET Get dashboards for the given CCTV view apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server.
    cctvID - 
    cctv ID.
    getCCTVView GET Gets CCTV view widgets/dashboards apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server.
    cctvID - cctv ID.



    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFWAInterfaceBandwidthData GET To get the interface/device bandwidth data interfaceID - Interface id
    rid - resource id
    resType - Resource Type
    graphType - Type of graph
    graphUnit - Unit of the graph
    pdf - whether it is pdf or not
    reportName - Name of the reports
    startDate - Starting time
    endDate - Ending time
    expand - Whether it is expanded view or not
    snapType - Type of the snapshot.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not.
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.
    getInterfaceList GET Get the list of the interfaces advancedFilters - Set of filters chosen.
    rid - resource id
    timeFrame - selected timeFrame
    Start date according to the time period selected.Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm
    End date according to the time period selected. Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm
    getUnknownIdentifiers GET To get unknown protocols from the device. reportId - Id of the report.
    applyTimeCriteria - The time period selected.
    startDate - Start date according to the time period selected.Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm
    endDate - End date according to the time period selected. Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm
    hitsCount - Number of hits.
    value - Value of the Identifiers.
    getFWAInventoryDeviceList GET To get the device list in inventory tab. vendor - Vendor for the devices.
    resType - Type of the devices added.
    advancedFilters - Any filters that are added. 
    timeFrame - Timeframe selected
    startDate - Value for the starting time.
    endDate - Value for the ending time.
    getDeviceDetails GET To get the details for the selected device rid - Resource ID http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getDeviceDetails?rid=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getFWAInventoryTabs GET To get the tabs in the inventory timeFrame - Selected timeframe.
    startDate - Starting date for the selected timeframe.
    endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe
    getResourcesList GET To get the list of resources. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getResourcesList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getCloudTabList GET To get the details for the cloud tab in inventory page. advancedFilters - The selected filters in the cloud page.
    timeFrame - Selected timeframe.
    startDate - Starting Date for the selected timeframe.
    endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe.
    getUserTabList GET To get the details for the users tab in inventory page. advancedFilters - The selected filters in the users page.
    timeFrame - Selected Timeframe
    startDate - Starting date for the selected timeframe.
    endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe.
    getRuleTabList GET To get the details for the rules tab in inventory page. advancedFilters - The selected filters in the Rules page.
    timeFrame - Selected Timeframe
    startDate - Starting date for the selected timeframe.
    endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe.
    getCompleteData** GET To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. reportName - Name of the report.
    RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender)
    reportParams - The parameters for the report.
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether the report is based on search or not.
    rows - Total number of rows.
    page - Total number of pages.
    sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order.
    timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected.
    startDate - The start date and time for the report generated.
    endDate - The end date and time for the report generated.
    pdf - Type of the report to be generated.
    resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not.
    wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used.
    applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not.
    rid - Resource ID.
    getDrilldownReportList** GET To get the drill down details for the reports. url - url for the drill down.
    pGroup - protocol group
    clientType - Type of the client
    bwUsageType - Bandwidth usage type.
    eventType - Type of the event.
    reportParams - The parameters to be added to generate the drill down report.
    getDeviceSummary GET To get the summary of the device. rid - Resource ID
    pdf - Type of the report being exported.
    snapshotName - Name of the snapshot.
    snapType - Type of the snapshot.
    timeFrame - Time frame selected for which the data is shown.
    startDate - The starting date from which the data is displayed.
    endDate - The ending date upto which the data is displayed.
    speedType - Type of the speed unit which is selected.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not.
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.





    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    listAlarms GET To list the alarms that have been raised. deviceName - name of the device.
    severity - The severity of the alarm raised.
    category - The category selected based on which the alarms are displayed.
    period - Alarms raised for the particular time period.
    entity - The entity or profile for which the alarms are raised.
    alarmCode - Alarm code specified for the alarm.
    eventType - Type of the event 
    alertType - Type of the alarm.
    fromTime - The starting time range that is selected.
    toTime - The Ending time range that is selected.
    isFromIPSLA - To check whether the alarm is raised from IPSLA module.
    monitorType - Type of the monitor for which the alarm has been raised.
    probeId - The Id of the probe.
    limit - Limit for the number of alarms.
    pageNumber - The current page number that is shown.
    isAcknowledge - Has the alarm been acknowledged or not.
    sortByCategory- The alarms are sorted based on category or not.
    page - The current page number that is displayed.
    rows - Maximum number of  alarms displayed per page.
    isNotes - Whether any notes is present for the alarm or not.
    _search - Whether search action is performed or not.
    probeName - Name of the probe.
    fromNFA - Whether the alarm has been raised from NFA module.
    isVirtualEntity - Whether the entity is virtual or not.
    showHWAlarms- Whether HWalarms is enabled or not.
    filters - The search string that is given when performing search action.
    sortByColumn - Column based on which the alarms are sorted.
    sortByType - The sort type whether the alarms are displayed in ascending or descending order.
    collOpt - The collector for the alarm has been raised.
    isFluidic - Whether the alarm is of type fluidic or not.
    isWebclient - Whether the alarm has been raised by webclient or not.
    timeFrame - The time period selected for which the alarms have been raised.
    DateRange - The Dates selected for which the alarms have been raised.
    alarmProperties GET To get the properties for the alarm entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm has been raised.
    alarmSpecific - Whether it is alarm specific or not.
    deviceID - The ID of the device for which the alarm has been raised.
    getAlertDetails GET To get the alarm details auditId - Id of the alarm.
    Alert_type - Type of the alert.
    entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm was raised.
    getAlarmActions GET To get the list of actions for the particular alarm entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm was raised. http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/getAlarmActions?isFluidic=true&entity=testalert_5&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    addNotes POST To add the required notes for an alarm entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm was raised.
    notes - The notes that have been added for the alarm.
    type - Type of the alarm for which the note has been added.
    isFluidic - Whether the alarm is fluidic or not.




    Custom Reports:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getReportProfiles GET To get the report profiles configured. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getReportProfiles?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getMyReportData GET To get the data of specific report. reportId - Report ID
    rbbgId - reportbuildingblock group ID.
    rType - Report type
    getDrilldownReportList GET To get the drill down details for the reports. url - url for the drill down.
    pGroup - protocol group
    clientType - Type of the client
    bwUsageType - Bandwidth usage type.
    eventType - Type of the event.
    reportParams - The parameters to be added to generate the drill down report.
    getCompleteData GET To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. reportName - Name of the report.
    RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender)
    reportParams - The parameters for the report.
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether the report is based on search or not.
    rows - Total number of rows.
    page - Total number of pages.
    sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order.
    timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected.
    startDate - The start date and time for the report generated.
    endDate - The end date and time for the report generated.
    pdf - Type of the report generated.
    resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not.
    wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used.
    applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not.
    rid - Resource ID.
    selColId - Selected Collector ID.
    snapType - Type of the snapshot taken.
    title1 - Type of the device.
    value1 - Name of the device.
    title2 - Type of the interface.
    value2 - Name of the interface.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not.
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    reportSubTitle - SubTitle for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    expand - Whether it is expanded or not.
    pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget.
    value - To determine the drilldown.
    url - Url of the requet.
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    ifCrit - Interface Criteria
    pGroup - Protocol Group
    ATTACK - Attack parameters.
    clientType - Type of the client
    bwUsageType - Bandwidth Usage Type.
    eventType - Type of the event.



    Firewall Reports:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getReportData GET To get the data for the reports. reportName - Name of the report.
    RBBNAME - Name of the report Building block.
    reportParams - Parameters in the report(in json object format).
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether search is done or not.
    rows - No of rows.
    page - Page number
    sortByColumn - Based on which column is the data sorted.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is in ascending order or descending order.
    snapType - Type of the snapshot.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not. 
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget.
    value - To determine the drilldown.
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    getCompleteData GET To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. reportName - Name of the report.
    RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender)
    reportParams - The parameters for the report.
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether the report is based on search or not.
    rows - Total number of rows.
    page - Total number of pages.
    sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order.
    timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected.
    startDate - The start date and time for the report generated.
    endDate - The end date and time for the report generated.
    pdf - Type of the report generated.
    resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not.
    wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used.
    applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not.
    rid - Resource ID.
    selColId - Selected Collector ID.
    snapType - Type of the snapshot taken.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not.
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    reportSubTitle - SubTitle for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    expand - Whether it is expanded or not.
    pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget.
    value - To determine the drilldown.
    url - Url of the requet.
    mail - To check if mail option is added in widget.
    csv - To check if csv option is added in widget.
    exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender email ID
    toEmailid - Receiver email ID
    emailSubject - Subject for the email
    message - message for the email
    ifCrit - Interface Criteria
    pGroup - Protocol Group
    ATTACK - Attack parameters.
    clientType - Type of the client
    bwUsageType - Bandwidth Usage Type.
    eventType - Type of the event.
    getDrilldownReportList GET To get the drill down details for the reports. url - url for the drill down.
    pGroup - protocol group
    clientType - Type of the client
    bwUsageType - Bandwidth usage type.
    eventType - Type of the event.
    reportParams - The parameters to be added to generate the drill down report.
    getReportList GET To get the report list. reportGroup - Report Group.
    rid - Resource ID.
    reportName - Name of the report.
    reportId - Id for the report.
    rtab - Raw tab or not.
    rowCount - Number of rows to be displayed.
    timeFrame - Time frame that has been selected.
    startDate - Starting date from which the data is shown.
    endDate - Ending date upto which the data is shown.
    isRptTab - Whether it is report tab or not.
    resolvedns - Whether resolve dns is enabled or not.
    wrapperType - Type of the wrapper.
    applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not.
    title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc.
    value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc.
    title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc.
    value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc.
    Exporting v2 widget data or not.
    pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised.
    reportTitle - Title for the report.
    userLocale - The locale of the user.
    type - Type of the report.
    _search - Whether the report is based on search or not.
    rows - Total number of rows.
    page - Total number of pages.
    sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done.
    sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order.
    headerText1 - Type of the device/report etc.
    headerText2 - Type of the device/report/widget etc.
    headerVal1 - Value of the device/report etc.
    headerVal2 - Value of the device/report/widget etc.
    value - Value of the parameters for the drilldown report.
    layout - Layout for the report
    series - Series of the reports
    exportFWAMail - Whether mail is to be sent or not.
    fromEmailid - Sender Email address 
    toEmailid - Receiver Email address 
    emailSubject - Subject of the email
    message - Message in the email





    Schedule List:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFWAScheduleList GET To get the configured list of schedules. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWAScheduleList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Report Filter:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFilterList GET To get the list of filters already added. userId - User ID http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getFilterList?userId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getProtoList** GET To get the list of protocols. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getProtoList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getFilterDetails GET To get the filter details filterName  -  Name of the filter http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getFilterDetails?filterName=asd&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Report Type:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getAllReportList GET To get all reports list configured. frmRptType - is the page report type or not(true|false) http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getAllReportList?frmRptType=true&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213





    Rule Management:


    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getOverviewDetails GET To get Policy overview report names and selected device policy details and able to search across the reports DEVICEID - Firewall ID
    policyID - policy id's
    rbbName - rbbname
    _search - boolean
    nd - long
    rows - long
    page - long
    sortByColumn - only alphabets
    sortByType - only alphabets
    filters - json object
    getpolicyOverview GET To get Policy data DEVICEID - Firewall ID
    policyID - Policy ID (Comma separated number for cisco)
    rbbName - Selected statictic report name
    getPolicyOptimization GET To get policy optimization data for selected device  DEVICEID - Firewall ID
    anomalyType - Selected anomaly type
    getDeviceUnusedDetails GET To get Rule cleanup tab details and selected device unused rule data.
    DEVICEID  - Firewall ID
    startDate - From date
    endDate - To date
    repId  - Report id




    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    changeWidgetView POST To show selected standard reports in UI
    rID - Firewall ID
    reportID - Report ID
    displayName - Firewall display Name
    deviceType - Firewall vendor
    resourceName - Firewall Name
    selectedWidgets -  Selected standard reports name separated by comma(ex:SANS, NIST, ISO, PCI DSS, NERC-CIP)
    getComplianceDashboard GET To get standards page details and selected device data NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getComplianceDashboard?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Change Management:


    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getDeviceChanges GET To get Change Management Report data 
    DEVICEID -  Firewall ID
    DateRange - Custom date range enabled or disabled value
    timeFrame - Predefined time range
    startDate - Start date of custom range
    endDate - End date of custom range
    applyTimeCriteria*** -  Time criteria identifier  
    getChangeMgmtSchDetail GET To get change management schedule details. rID - Firewall ID
    getChangeMgmtNotiDetail GET To get change management notification details. rID - Firewall ID http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getChangeMgmtNotiDetail?rID=601&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Security Audit:


    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getSecurityAudit GET To get security Audit report of selected Firewall rID - Firewall ID http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getSecurityAudit?rID=301&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213





    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getDDIDResourcesInfo GET To get Firewall list and mark first device which configured in Device rule listType - Type to get data for selected device (ruleDeviceList) http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getDDIDResourcesInfo?listType=ruleDeviceList&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getSearchTabList get to get search criteria sMode  -             Search type
    selectedDevices - Selected devices list
    criteria - Search criterias
    matchStatus - match condition (or & and)
    getIndexInfo get To get Raw settings configuration details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getIndexInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getIndexInfo get To update Raw settings configuration details mode - save
    rawSearch - enabled or disabled
    indexAll-  index traffic & security logs (true or false)
    indexSecurity - index security logs only (true or false)
    getRawColList get To get Raw search result columns based on search option NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasearch/getRawColList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getRawData get  To get Raw serach result selectedDevices - Selected firewall/proxy devices with comma separator
    criteria - Search criteria
    matchStatus-  match condition (or & and)
    type - Result type (formatted or raw)
    completeData - Default row count identifier (always true)
    reportParams - Time criteria and index details
    logFormat - Used to get result columns based on serach type (s or u or proxy)
    dataType -  Serach type identifier
    log - Serach criteria for Database update
    sLogType - Serach log option number with comma separated
    (1 for selected option and 0 for non-selected)
    _search - client generated value (always false)
    nd - number
    rows - row count
    page - Page number
    sidx - Sort index (empty value)
    sord - Sort type (asc)




    Syslog Server:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getSyslogServerTableData GET To view the list of syslog servers that have been configured NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getSyslogServerTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getLivePacketCount GET To get the number of packets of data received through the syslogs configured. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getLivePacketCount?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213


    Diagnose Connections:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFWAResourceDetails GET To get the resources of type cisco or netscreen. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWAResourceDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Availability Alert:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFWAAvailabilityAlert GET To get the list of availability alerts already configured. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWAAvailabilityAlert?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Device Details:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFWDeviceDetails GET To get the device details such as Unsupported logs received, supported logs received, schedules executed. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWDeviceDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getUnparsedLogsSummary GET To get the list of unparsed records. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getUnparsedLogsSummary?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getScheduleExecutionSummary GET To get the list of schedules that have been executed NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getScheduleExecutionSummary?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Archived Files:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getArchiveSettingsTableData GET To get the list of files that have been archived. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getArchiveSettingsTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getArchiveSettingDBValues POST To get and edit the archive setting values. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getArchiveSettingDBValues?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Customize Reports:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getResourcesTableInfo** GET To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getResourcesTableInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    configureDefaultReports POST To configure the default reports to be listed for the firewalls resId - Resource ID.(eg : 1)
    selectedReports - The reports that are selected for the device.(comma seperated values).(61,62,63,64,65)



    Device Group:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getDeviceGroup GET To get the device groups that have been configured. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/v2/fwadashboard/getDeviceGroup?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getResourcesList GET To get the resources list. cid - collector id http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaenterprise/getResourcesList?selColId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Data Storage:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getDataStorageConfigData GET To get the configured data storage for database and archive. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getDataStorageConfigData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    License Management:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getFWAInventoryDeviceList GET To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getFWAInventoryDeviceList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Archive Encryption:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getArchiveSettingDBValues GET To get the archive setting values currently configured. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getArchiveSettingDBValues?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213





    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    removeLearnings POST To remove the device when deletion operation is performed. resourcesList - List of resources removed.(eg : http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/removeLearnings?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Protocol Groups:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getProtocolGroupsTableData GET To get the protocol group data pgName - Name of the page. http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getProtocolGroupsTableData?pgName=All&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Working Hours:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getWorkingHourData GET To get the configured working hour data. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getWorkingHourData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213





    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getManualDnsMappingData GET To get the configured Dns mapping data. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getManualDnsMappingData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getDnsResolveConfigData GET To get the configured resolve config data. NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getDnsResolveConfigData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213





    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getIntranetTableData** GET To get the data in intranet settings and exclude hosts. selectedtab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts) http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getIntranetTableData?selectedtab=Intranet&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getDeviceIntranetSettings** GET To get the intranet settings for the device selectedTab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts)
    devName - Name of the device.
    devId - Id of the device
    getResourcesTableInfo** GET To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getResourcesTableInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213





    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    handleCloudRepositoryChanges GET To get the changes that are done in the repository action - The action that is performed(add)
    serName - Name of the service
    cat - The catefory of the service.
    startip - Start ip of the service
    endip - End ip of the service
    ServiceId - Id of the service.
    oldSerId - Old Id of the service(when edit).
    getCloudCategoryListDetails GET To get the category list of the repository NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/cloudcontrol/getCloudCategoryListDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getCloudControlRepositoryTableData GET To get the table data in the repository NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/cloudcontrol/getCloudControlRepositoryTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Exclude Hosts:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getIntranetTableData** GET To get the data in intranet settings and exclude hosts. selectedtab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts) http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getIntranetTableData?selectedtab=ExcludeHost&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getResourcesTableInfo** GET To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getResourcesTableInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getDeviceIntranetSettings** GET To get the intranet settings for the device selectedTab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts)
    devName - Name of the device.
    devId - Id of the device




    Username/IP Mapping:

    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getIPToUserMappingDetails GET To get the currently configured user name and ip mapping details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getIPToUserMappingDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getUserIPLookupServersMappings GET For getting the mapping between server and user. configType - Type of the configuration.
    server - Type of the server.
    getADToResourceMapping GET To get the resources mapped with the selected AD. ADServerName - Name of the ad server http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getADToResourceMapping?ADServerName=adap-dc2&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213




    Exclude Criteria:


    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    listExcludeCriteria GET To get added exclude criteria list NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/listExcludeCriteria?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Check Point:

    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getCheckPointTableData GET To get added Checkpoint firewall details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getCheckPointTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213


    Imported Logs:

    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getImportedLogTableData GET To get Imported log file details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getImportedLogTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getLocalImportOptions** GET To get Local import options NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getLocalImportOptions?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Device Rule:

    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    listDC GET To get added device rule details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/listDC?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    listVDOM GET To get vdom firewall details of a device rule ddid - Device rule id http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/listVDOM?ddid=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Credential Profile:

    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    listDIP GET To get credential profiles list NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/listDIP?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    dipPrerender GET To get device rule supported device list   NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/dipPrerender?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213



    Alarm Profiles:

    REST  API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getAlarmTabs GET To get the alarmprofile configured timeFrame - Time Range for the alarms.
    DateRange - Whether date is configured or not.
    viewAlarmProfileDetails GET To view the alarms generated for a particular profile alarmID - Id of the alarm profile.
    alarmType - Type of the alarm profile(alert/anomaly/bandwidth)
    alarmName - Name of the alarm profile.
    page - Page number
    rows - Number of Rows to be displayed.
    sortByColumn - Based on which column the sorting is to be done.
    sortByType - Type of sort(asc/desc)
    pdfReqFrom - Where the req is from for generating pdf(used in phantom)
    exportFWAV2WidData - Whether the export is selected or not(used in phantom).
    header - Header for the report.
    title1 - Title 1 for the report.
    value1 - Value for the title1.
    title2 - Title 2 for the report.
    value2 - Value for the title 2

    SNMP Settings:

    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    listSnmpDevices GET List the snmp configured devices NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/v2/livetraffic/listSnmpDevices?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getSnmpDetails GET To get the SNMP details configured resId - resourceID
    action - action performed(edit)



    Collector down page (Admin Server home page):


    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getCollectorList** GET To get the list of collectors added to the admin cid - Collector id http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaenterprise/getCollectorList?selColId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getCollectorDetails** GET To get the collector details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaenterprise/getCollectorDetails?selColId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213


    Collector Settings:


    REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL
    getCollectorList** GET To get the list of collectors added to the admin cid - Collector id http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaenterprise/getCollectorList?selColId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213
    getCollectorDetails** GET To get the collector details NIL http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaenterprise/getCollectorDetails?selColId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213