
Free SNMP MIB Browser

  • When I enable the Windows SNMP Agent using SnmpEnabler, I am getting "time out error " for SNMP Requests. What should I do?

    To confirm if SNMP service is running on the device, Go to Windows Services (services.msc) and see if the 'SNMP Service' status shows running. If not, start the service.

    Check whether a community is configured in the SNMP agent, Right click the SNMP service --> Click Properties --> Go to Security tab --> see community value. If the value is not defined, add the community default as public and click "OK" button. Then give the defined community in MibBrowser.


    Try our poweshell script to add or set the SNMP Agent community on remote /local machine.

    Usage : .\SNMPEnabler.ps1 -h -username -CommunityName

    Also, check "Accept SNMP Packets from any Host " or "Accept SNMP Packets from defined Hosts" radio button

  • How can I troubleshoot the SNMP Packet from Manager to SNMP Agent or vice versa?

    Goto ManageEngine Mibbrowser, Click "Debug" icon or View --> Debug, which receives the incoming and outgoing SNMP packets. You can decode the Hex PDU packets to human readable format using "Decode" button. It also helps to decode the SNMP packets in file format.

  • Java is not available in my system due to security restrictions. Can I still use the tool?

    Yes you can. The tool itself is bundled with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which runs the MibBrowser (java) application. Hence, installing java in your machine is not required.

  • How do I give Hex strings for SET values in MIB Browser?

    The SnmpString class accepts Hex strings in a certain format. Any string that starts and ends with a single quote(') is interpreted as an Hex string. The individual bytes should be separated using a colon(:). For example, if you need to enter 0x2a304cab, it should be supplied as '2a:30:4c:ab'.

  • In MibBrowser , When I sent GET request to localhost : 161 and I get "Request Failed: Error: Request Timed Out". How to resolve this ?

    To Troubleshoot the timeout error,

    1. Check the values of agent running Host Name, Port and Community values. Incorrect values return timeout error.
    2. Increase the timeout value, sometime agent response time is larger than the timeout value specified in MibBrowser (default 5 seconds). Hence, Manager/MibBrowser returns time out error.

    If queried agent is "Windows SNMP Agent"

    1. To confirm if SNMP service is running on the device, go to Windows Services (services.msc) and see if the 'SNMP Service' status shows running. If not, start the service.
    2. Check whether community is configured in the snmp agent , Right click the SNMP service --> Click Properties --> Go to Security tab --> see community value. If the value is not defined , add the community and click "OK" button. Then give the defined community in MibBrowser.
    3. Also, check "Accept SNMP Packets from any Host " or "Accept SNMP Packets from defined Hosts" radio button.
  • In MibBrowser , When I sent SET request to localhost : 161 and I get "Request Failed: Error: Request Timed Out". How to resolve this?

    Fill the write community value in the textfield. By default 'Write community' as empty. Check the values of agent running Host Name, Port and Community values. Incorrect values return timeout error.

  • Is MibBrowser set a timer to check a variable periodically?

    Yes. MibBrowser support the polling for integer Object Identifier. Load RFC 1213 Mib --> Select IfNumber--> Click Line graph icon from the tool bar (View --> Line Graph).

    For Tabular node, Click Table and "Start Polling" . It updates the values in a table Periodically, poll interval is specified in table settings window.

  • How do I give Hex values in the ContextEngineID or in the ContextName text fields?

    The Hex values should start with a 0x or 0X. Therefore, if you set a value for contextID or contextName, it should be 0xHHHHHH.

  • What are the units for timeout and retry values?

    Timeout value should be given in seconds. If you give the timeout value in milliseconds, it takes much time to get timed out. For example, a value of 1000 waits for 1000 seconds.

    Retry value should be integer . Retries is the number of times a request is sent when a timeout occurs. If the retry value is 0, the request is re-transmitted on timeout.

  • How do I set values for the table variables?

    To create a new row in a table:

    1. Define a column with SYNTAX RowStatus, and the definition for the table should have RowStatus object defined.
    2. Select the Table node from the tree and the Table button from the toolbar to display the corresponding table.
    3. Right-click on the table header where the name of the column is displayed. It displays a menu with the following options.
      1. View Graph for Selected Row
      2. Add a New Row to the Table
      3. Delete the Selected Rows from the Table
    4. Select Add a New Row to the Table. It displays a window for entering the values of the table.
    5. The value for the column with RowStatus syntax should be 4 for creating a new row.
    6. Click OK after entering all the values.

    If RowStatus is not present in the table definition, you can only modify the existing row by double-clicking the corresponding cell in the table.

  • In MIB Browser, when I make a request, I get the "NO HOST Specified" error. What should I do?

    Before making any request, the host name or the IP address of the machine in which the agent is running should be specified in the "Host" text field of MibBrowser.

  • How can I load multiple MIB files while invoking the MIB Browser at run time?

    To load multiple MIBs, files should be separated by a blank space and be given within double quotes. For example,

    java MibBrowserApplication -m "mibs/RFC1213-MIB mibs/RFC1271-MIB mibs/RFC1155-MIB" -h localhost -c public

  • When I ask for 10 rows in an SNMP table, the GETBULK returns only 6 rows and the last attribute of the sixth row is null. The sixth row seems to be truncated. What should I do?

    The number of rows you get back may be limited by the PDU size permitted by your agent, manager, or transport.

  • When I start the Trap Viewer, I get the " Not Listening for traps, Ports already in use". What should I do?

    By default the trap browser starts in the port 162. If the port is reserved or if the port is already used by some application this error will occur. You can restart the trap browser by giving the port no of any unused port.

  • When I reopen the MibBrowser, How can i saw the recently loaded mibs?

    Enable the the "Load recently loaded Mibs at startup" check box in the MibSettings window of the MibBrowser.

    Edit ---> Settings --->MibSettings ---> Enable Load recently loaded Mibs at startup checkbox.

  • Is it possible to trigger the Action Script based on the SNMP trap and response criteria?

    Yes, ManageEngine MibBrowser - Script Rule Engine allows script configuration defined by the user. It supports python and batch scripts for Windows.

    To Configure Script, Click on the Script Icon available on the tool bar.

  • Is there option to execute the custom class action(user defined class) in MibBrowser - Script Rule Engine?

    Yes, Refer online JavaDocs for custom class.

  • I am getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException" while compiling the Custom Class ?

    Custom class implements ScriptHandler and should defined in com.adventnet.snmp.scripting package.

    Compile the java file in any of the following ways :

    1. Open the Command Prompt, change the directory to <Product_Home>
    2. Run the setclasspath.bat, which is used to set the required jars in classpath
    3. Compile java file, javac -d classes "<java file location>\"
    4. (or)

    5. Open the Command Prompt, go to custom java file location
    6. Set the required classpath, ( e.g. set classpath=<product_home>\jars\AdventNetScript.jar;<product_home>\jars\AdventNetSnmp.jar )
    7. Compile java file, javac -d <Product_Home>\classes

    Now the compiled customized classes will be present in <ProductHome>\classes directory.

  • Is it possible to view the actions script logs ?

    Script action logs are saved in the directory <product_home>\logs\scriptlog.txt

  • How do I install the Linux version of MIB Browser?
    1. Download the BIN file
    2. Open a Terminal/Bash/Konsole.
    3. Go to BIN file download location.
    4. Provide the executable permission to BIN file using the command 'chmod a+x ManageEngine_MibBrowser_FreeTool.bin'
    5. Run the ./ManageEngine_MibBrowser_FreeTool.bin and complete the installation
  • How to run the MIB Browser in Linux OS?

    Go to MIB Browser install location.

    1. Example, cd ~//MibBrowser_Free_Tool/bin/
    2. Run the ./ or sh file.
  • I tried editing the mibs. I first unloaded the mib and then loaded the modified mib in MibBrowser. But it still loads the old mib. Why?

    By default, MibBrowser loads the mibs in "compiled file" Mibloading option.

    Compiled mode loads the mibs from .cmi and .cds file. Mibbrowser parses the mibs and creates .cds and .cmi at first time. Then it loads the mibs from .cmi and .cds directly without doing parsing.

    If user wants to edit the existing mibs and load the modified mibs, they should delete the existing .cmi and .cds file in the mibs directory. For example, load the modified RFC1213-MIB, delete the existing RFC1213-MIB.cmi and RFC1213-MIB.cds file.


    Change the MibLoading option as "Direct" or "Overwrite Existing Compiled MIB Files" . MibBrowser Settings --> Direct.

    MibBrowser Settings --> Overwrite existing Compiled MIB Files.

    In this case, it loads the modified mibs directly.

    Refer the Mibloading Option to know more details.

  • I am getting error Message "Loading MIBs Failed: Could not find the file" while loading Mibs and also getting error in backend command prompt "Problem in opening the file"

    Check whether, you have full privilege to write the file in the location "C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool\mibs". While loading the mibs in the MibBrowser, it parses the mibs and generates the .cmi and .cds file under the same location (C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool\mibs). If the .cds and .cmi files are written in the same location successfully, then it loads the corresponding mibs in the MibBrowser. If file writes operation fails, it returns the error "Could not find the file" and backend returns the "Problem in opening the file".

    Follow, any one of the below steps to resolve the issue:

    1. Open the command prompt i.e., start menu -- > Select the Command prompt --> right click --> Run as Administrator
    2. Goto C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool\bin
    3. Run the Mibbrowser.bat.

    Check UAC settings Level

    1. Open Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Change User Account Control Settings
    2. Check settings selected "Always Notify" or "Never Notify"
    3. If the settings is "Always Notify", it will not allow the file operation in the C:\ Program Files (x86) directory.

      Try our Powershell script (UACChangerScript) to view and modify the UAC Settings Level in the Local and Remote machine.
      Usage : .\UACChangerScript.ps1 -computernames localhost

    4. Please install Mibbrowser in other than C:\ Directory. (or) copy Mibs directory to other directory (i.e., D:\ or anything) then load the mibs in the MibBrowser.
  • Active directory Tools

    • AD Replication Manager
    • Local Users Manager
    • Empty Password Reporter
    • Password Expiration Notifier
    • Weak Password Users Report
    • PST Migration Tool
    • Active Directory CSV Generator
    • Service Accounts Management Tool
    • Domain Controller Roles Reporter
    • DNS Reporter
    • Duplicates Identifier
    • Domain Controller Monitoring Tool
    • DMZ Port Analyzer
    • Terminal Session Manager
    • Last Logon Reporter
    • Active Directory Query Tool
    • Password Policy Manager
    • SharePoint Manager
  • Free Ping Tool
  • VM Monitor Tool
  • Free Disk Monitor Lite Tool
  • XenServer Health Monitor Tool
  • Free Windows Service Monitor
  • Windows Health Monitor
  • Free Exchange Health Monitor
  • SQL Server Monitoring Tool
  • Free SNMP MIB Browser
  • Free Process Traffic Monitor
  • Free HyperV Performance Monitor
  • Azure Performance Monitor Tool
  • VM Configuration Tool
  • EC2 Monitoring Tool
  • Free Syslog Forwarder
  • Windows SNMP Enabler
  • Windows Admin Tools
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