

What's in store?

  • Demo

    You can now connect to the demo server from the app. Get a hands-on experience on how the product works with the free online demo.

  • Dashboard

    The dashboard now features a single column view for better visibility. No more empty widgets occupying screen space; we’ve reduced the size of empty widgets. The Network Configuration Manager (NCM) add-on is now available in the dashboard, so you can create custom NCM-specific dashboards, or add NCM widgets to your dashboard.

  • Alarms

    You can now search, clear, acknowledge, and filter alarms based on severity, and perform quick swipe actions. Generate threshold-based alarms for your NCM-based devices.

  • Devices and interfaces

    You can now filter devices and interfaces by type and groups, and monitor Device Traffic, Interfaces, Applications, Top Source, Top Destination, Top Conversations, AS View, NBAR, Applications, Multicast, Medianet, QoS, ART, Access Point Groups, SSID Groups, and Attacks.

  • Wireless controller monitoring

    You can now monitor WLC device details, such as controllers, SSIDs, client IP, client MAC, and access points.

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