Document Organization


The ManageEngine OpUtils User Guide is divided into the following sections:

Technology Overview

This section provides an overview of SNMP, ICMP and CLI basics.

Getting Started

This section outlines the basic requirements to work with ManageEngine OpUtils. Information related to the system requirements, installing the software, other prerequisites, and working with the OpUtils are discussed in detail.

Configuring ManageEngine OpUtils

This section discusses how to configure common protocols, and outlines the general features of the tools.

Featured Tools

Switch Port Mapper :  Utility to check and display the device connected to the ports of a remotely located Switch in real time network. The tool is useful for system and network engineers to gain visibility into the IP, MAC, status and availability of ports. Since this is a real-time discovery you can also view the operational status and port speed of each port. This tool maps switch ports to the devices connected to them.


IP Address Manager : Utility to check for used, available and transient IP's in a given subnet or network. The tool helps manage the IP addresses in a static DNS environment, using pre-defined user policy. The tool scans a subnet and provides the availability status of IP addresses in that subnet. One can check whether a particular IP is reserved or available.


Rogue Detection : Provides a list of rogue devices detected in the network.


MAC IP List : Provides a list of MAC and IP Addresses discovered from the routers and scanned IP ranges/subnets.


Tool Categories


Diagnostic Tools

This section, provides detailed explanation of the tools that are categorized under the Diagnostic Tools category. The tools include Ping, Ping Scan, SNMP Ping, SNMP Scan, Proxy Ping, and Trace Route.

Address Monitoring Tools

This section, provides a detailed description of the tools that are categorized under the Address Monitoring Utilities category.
The tools include DNS Resolver, DNS Scan, MAC Address Resolver, MAC Address Scan, and DHCP Scope Monitor.

Network Monitoring Tools

This section, provides detailed explanation about the tools that are categorized under the Network Monitoring Utilities.
The tools include, Bandwidth Monitor, Network Monitor, Wake-On-LAN, System Explorer, System Details Update, TCP Reset, and Port Scanner.


This section, provides detailed explanation about the tools that are categorized under the CISCO Utilities.
The tools include Config File Manager, TFTP Server, Device Scan,  and Device Explorer.

SNMP Tools

This section, provides detailed explanation about the tools that are categorized under SNMP Tools.
The tools include Trap Receiver, SNMP Walker, SNMP Table, SNMP Graph, MIB Browser, MIB Viewer, and Community Checker.




This section includes, Interpreting Error Messages, FAQ, Troubleshooting Tips, and Known Issues and Limitations of OpUtils.

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