OpUtils Free Training

Comprehensive IP and interface monitoring on-the-go!

ManageEngine OpUtils offers you a real-time IP address and switch port management solution, enabling you to proactively monitor your network IPs and interfaces. With OpUtils’ mobile application you can now efficiently troubleshoot your network issues right from your smartphone or tablet. Gain comprehensive insights into your network endpoints and address space, while on the move.

Mobile app highlights:

  • Effectively troubleshoot network issues – anywhere, anytime.
  • Custom threshold-based alerts on IP address space availability, utilization, and performance.
  • Efficient network monitoring with instant event specific alerts.
  • Remote network resource management with Wake on LAN, Rogue Device Detection, and more.

Overview of your network IP and
Interface resources

Intuitive UI with easy navigation

Agile subnet hierarchy for
easier monitoring

Summary of subnets, their,
availability and performance

Comprehensive insights into
specific IPs

Detailed view of switches, connected
ports, availability, and more

Remotely troubleshoot with ping and
address monitoring tools

Overview of your network IP and
Interface resources

Intuitive UI with easy navigation

gile subnet hierarchy for
easier monitoring

Summary of subnets, their
availability, and performance

Comprehensive insights into
specific IPs

Detailed view of switches, connected
ports, availability, and more

Remotely troubleshoot with ping and
address monitoring tools

Do you want a Price Quote?
For how many IPs and switch ports?
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