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See how much password management troubles are costing you.

Cost Analysis

See your annual savings with and without SSO

ROI with SSO

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  per employee
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  your employees use every day
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Please enter a value from 1 to 150
  per employee, per year
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  • By clicking 'View ROI breakdown', you agree to processing of personal data according to the Privacy Policy.

ROI Breakdown

Total annual password related costs
$ 15750.0
ADSelfService Plus Licensing cost
$ 1195.0
Total annual savings
$ 14555.0
Time before breakeven
30.0 Days
Annual productivity savings
Minutes saved per login with an SSO solution x avg hourly salary x total employees x total number of working days (250)
$ 0
Return on Investment
after 4 months
$ 3656.7
Return on Investment
after 8 months
$ 8508.3
Annually recurring ROI
$ 13360.0

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Hello ,

  tried out our ROI calculator to check how much your organization can save using ADSelfService Plus, an end-user password self-service solution. The ROI report is shared below so you can evaluate it yourself.

Total Number of employees in your organization  
Average number of help desk calls per year in your organization  
Percentage of password reset calls to the help desk in your organization  %
Total annual password related costs in your organization  
ManageEngine ADSelf-ServicePlus licensing cost ( based on the number of employees in your org)  
Total annual savings with ADSelfServicePlus  
Time before breakeven   days
Return on Investment after 4 months. $ 
Return on Investment after 8 months. $ 
Annually recurring ROI $ 

The tool has essential features including self-service password reset, account unlock, single sign-on and MFA.

If you are interested in trying out this solution, we can go on a call to discuss POC.

Jay Reddy
Senior Technical Evangelist, ManageEngine

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