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Active Directory password and account reports

ADSelfService Plus provides several out-of-the-box reports that give administrators a holistic view of users' password and account status, enrollment, and self-service actions in all connected domains. Administrators can generate reports for specific OUs or for the entire domain. A quick snapshot of all essential and top-level information on the domain users' password and account status is available in the dashboard.

ADSelfService Plus allows administrators to:

  • Schedule report generation at fixed intervals.
  • Configure the generated reports to be sent to the administrators' mail instantly.
  • Export the reports to multiple formats such as CSV, PDF, XLS, HTML, and CSVDE for offline use.

Reports in ADSelfService Plus fall into three different categories:

User reports

These reports provide details on the status of a user's password and account lockout. They list users with locked accounts, expired passwords, and passwords about to expire.

This set of reports allows administrators to drill down to the OU level and view the information of users present in particular containers.

#1 Locked Out Users

Self service password Locked Out Users

This report shows the list of users who have been locked out. It allows administrators to view the list of locked accounts and run a scheduler to regularly check for and automatically unlock them. Alternatively, enrolled users can manually unlock their account through ADSelfService Plus's web portal, logon screen, or mobile application.

#2 Soon-to-expire Password Users

Self service password Soon-to-expire Password Users

Taking proactive steps to notify users of their password expiration date will greatly reduce domain account lockout. ADSelfService Plus generates a soon-to-expire password users report listing the users whose passwords will expire after a specific number of days (as set in the password policy of your Active Directory). The report on users whose passwords will expire can be manually or automatically generated at a specific time of the day. ADSelfService Plus notifies all domain users by email, SMS, and/or push notification about their impending password expiration and recommends that the users reset their domain login password from ADSelfService Plus's self-service portal.

#3 Password Expired Users

Self service password Password Expired Users

This report provides a list of all users who have expired passwords, the current password, the time of password expiration, and their last log on time. The report can also be customized to include attributes such as the last time the user entered a wrong password, the wrong password count, and more by clicking the Add/Remove Columns button. Administrators can schedule the password expired users report and have it sent to specific email addresses.

Administrators can also set up a scheduler to check for password expired users and automatically reset passwords to a default value as determined by the administrator. Alternatively, enrolled users can manually reset their password through ADSelfService Plus's web portal, logon screen, or mobile application. Administrators can also configure the product to send out notifications to users' alternate email or mobile when their passwords have expired.

Audit reports

ADSelfService Plus allows enrolled users to perform multiple self-service functions without having to interact with administrators. This comprehensive set of audit reports allows administrators to track all self-service actions performed by users in a chosen time period.

#1 Reset Password Audit Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report audits the Active Directory users and lists those who have reset their login password using ADSelfService Plus. You can view information such as the time of password reset and the machine and IP address from where the reset action was performed. It also displays the mode of password reset (via GINA, web portal, mobile application, or agent), which allows administrators to analyze the most sought after method to reset passwords.

#2 Unlock Account Audit Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report provides a list of users who have unlocked their domain account using ADSelfService Plus. You can also view information on the time of account unlock, the machine used to unlock the account, the IP address of the machine used, and more, allowing administrators to analyze your users' account unlock practices.

#3 Self-Update Audit Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report audits the users who employed ADSelfService Plus' self-update feature to update their attributes in Active Directory during a specified time period and lists them out. You can also view information on the time of self-update, IP address of the machine used, number of attempts made, and the status of the self-update operation. Additionally, a filter can be applied to view only the successful or failed operations.

#4 Change Password Audit Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report lists the Active Directory users who have used ADSelfService Plus to change their login password. This report also shows how users changed their passwords (via the login screens of Windows, macOS and Linux machines, web portals, or mobile applications), which allows administrators to analyze the most sought after method to change passwords.

#5 Notification Delivery Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report focuses on the delivery status of various ADSelfService Plus notifications. It provides information on the delivery status of enrollment notifications, account or password expiration notifications, password expired notifications, and notifications sent out on execution of self-service operations.

#6 Identity Verification Failures

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report provides the number of unsuccessful attempts made by end users while undertaking the identity verification procedures. View this report for the default time period or a custom duration. It also lets you view all users who have been blocked due to repeated identity verification failures within a fixed duration and allows administrators to unblock them from the same screen.

#7 User Attempts Audit Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This audit report provides the number of attempts made by an end user to log on to the self-service portal, the date and time of the log on attempts, the status of the log on attempts, and the machine and IP address from which the attempts originated. This report would be useful in  determining why the user's account was locked out.

Enrollment reports

These reports provide information on the enrollment status of users. View information such as the number of enrolled and non-enrolled users, the mode of enrollment, the mail ID or mobile number registered to receive the verification code, licensed users report, the security questions and answers of the enrolled users, and more.

#1 Enrolled Users Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report provides a list of all users enrolled with ADSelfService Plus. Additionally, administrators can unenroll users directly from the report in a single click.

#2 Non-Enrolled Users Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report highlights the list of users who have yet to enroll with the ADSelfService Plus application.

#3 Licensed Users Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report lists the users who are currently using up ADSelfService Plus's licenses. The information provided by this report is helpful for effective license management.

It also provides administrators with the option of restricting users who are no longer in need of the license. This process is accomplished by generating the "Unowned Licenses" report and deleting their licenses with the help "Restrict Users" of the feature. This operation can be done manually or scheduled to run at fixed intervals.

#4 Security Questions Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report generates the list of enrolled users along with their respective security questions and answers. The information provided by these reports assists help desk officials.

#5 Push Registered Devices Report

Self service password Reset Password Audit Report

This report shows the list of mobile devices that are registered for push notifications. It allows administrators to filter and display either Android devices or iPhones. The administrator can also remove registered devices directly from the reports.

Keep an eagle eye on users' password self-service/enrollment activities.

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Some other benefits of ADSelfService Plus - Self Service Reset Password Management


Password self-service

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by allowing them to self-service their password resets/ account unlock tasks. Hassle-free password change for Active Directory users with ADSelfService Plus ‘Change Password’ console. 

One identity with enterprise single sign-on

Get seamless one-click access to 100+ cloud applications. With enterprise single sign-on, users can access all their cloud applications with their Active Directory credentials. Thanks to ADSelfService Plus! 

Password/Account Expiry Notification

Intimate Active Directory users of their impending password/account expiry by mailing them these password/account expiry notifications.

Password Synchronizer

Synchronize Windows Active Directory user password/account changes across multiple systems, automatically, including Office 365, G Suite, IBM iSeries and more. 

Password Policy Enforcer

Ensure strong user passwords that resist various hacking threats with ADSelfService Plus by enforcing Active Directory users to adhere to compliant passwords via displaying password complexity requirements.

Directory Self-UpdateCorporate Search

Portal that lets Active Directory users update their latest information and a quick search facility to scout for information about peers by using search keys, like contact number, of the personality being searched.

ADSelfService Plus trusted by

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