Stage-specific Approval Notification      

    You can configure stage-specific approval notification for request templates. To do this, go to Admin  > Helpdesk Customizer > Notification Rules. Under Request tab, go to Email templates for section and click Customize Template against the preferred stage.




    Customize the subject, message body as required with custom message. You can also add variables using the $ sign. The following variables are specific to request approval notifications.




    $ ResourceSummary 

    Adds a table summarizing the resources associated with the request. along with cost information.


    Adds service cost information if applicable. Else an empty string is added.


    Adds total cost information if applicable. Else an empty string is added.


    Adds Approve and Reject buttons. This is an alternative to $ApprovalLink variable.



    To include cost information, configure Service Catalog cost information visible with appropriate option: Approver or Requester under Admin > General Settings > Self-service portal settings.


    Sample email template:



    Sample Approval Notification Email

    a) With $ResourceSummary with cost information:




    b) With $ApprovalAction and $ResourceSummary without cost information:





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