Sample script file for Custom Trigger in Change module
#Example to assign CAB members based on the value of impact configured in change.
#if impact is High then emergency CAB members will be assigned. Else normal CAB members will be assigned to the change.
import sys
import json
import urllib
file_Path = sys.argv[1]
with open(file_Path) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
#fetch the impact value from the change JSON.
#JSON Format in change will be {'INPUT_DATA':{"entity": "change","login_name": "menders","entity_data": {..},"entity_diff_data": {...}}
inputData = data['INPUT_DATA']
changeData = inputData['entity_data']
impact = changeData['impact']
impactValue = impact['name']
#configure emergency CAB for impact value "High".
if impactValue == 'High':
returnJSON = {
#message : value to be shown in change history
'message': 'Adding Emergency CAB members through Custom Trigger',
'operations': [{
#operation_name denotes the operation to be done through trigger ,currently UPDATE_ROLES is only supported.
'operation_name': 'UPDATE_ROLES',
'input_data': {
'change': {
'roles': [{
#replace with the Role ID to be updated
'id': 5,
#replace with the role Name to be updated .
'name': 'CAB'
#users can be added/updated to change roles using either emailid or user id .
'users': [{
# emailid of the user to be configured
'email': '',
#name of the user corresponding to the email id
'name': 'Heather Graham'
}, {
#ID of user to be configured
'id': 3,
#name of the user corresponding to the ID
'name': 'Shawn Adams'
#configure normal CAB for other values of impact
else :
returnJSON = {
#message -value to be shown in change history
'message': 'Adding Normal CAB members through Custom Trigger',
#operation_name denotes the operation to be done through trigger, currently UPDATE_ROLES is only supported.
'operations': [{
'operation_name': 'UPDATE_ROLES',
'input_data': {
'change': {
'roles': [{
#replace with the Role ID to be updated
'id': 5,
#replace with the role Name to be updated .
'name': 'CAB'
#users can be added/updated to change roles using either emailid or user id .
'users': [{
# emailid of the user to be configured
'email': '',
#name of the user corresponding to the email id
'name': 'John'
}, {
#ID of user to be configured
'id': 4,
#name of the user corresponding to the ID
'name': 'Howard stern'