Survey Settings


    Survey settings enable you to configure the default values for welcome message, email content, survey success or failure message, and thank you message.


    Enable Survey


    You can also choose to enable or disable a survey. If you enable a survey you can schedule the periodicity of conducting the survey.

    To enable the survey, select check box Enable User Survey. Enter the values for the following fields under the Survey Details block:


    Survey Details


    Welcome Message: Enter the welcome message that you wish to display as soon as the user reaches the survey page.

    Email Content: Specify the purpose of the email in the Email Content text field. This content will be displayed in the mail sent to the requesters. $RequesterName & $SurveyLink are variables which changes based on the requester & application URL.

    Success Message: Enter the message that will be displayed once the survey has been successfully answered.

    Failure Message: Enter the message that will be displayed if the survey failes because, the user has already taken the survey.

    Thanks Message: Enter the thanks message. This message will be displayed just before the submit button in the survey form.


    Schedule Survey


    To schedule a survey, choose any one the radio buttons provided in the Schedule Survey block. The options are,

    A request is closed: For closing every one request a survey mail will be sent    

    Requests are closed: Specify the number of requests to be closed of all the available requests in the text box. Once the specified number of requests is closed a survey mail will be sent.

    Requests from a requester are closed: Specify the number of requests to be closed for a requester in the text box. Once the specified number is reached a survey mail is sent to the requester.  This text box can take only integer values as input.

    Click Save to save the survey settings.









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