Convert Incident to Service Request


    The incident request can be converted to a service request. On converting the incident request, you will have the option to select Service Category and Service Template to be applied to the request.


    To convert incident to service,

    1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using your user name and password.

    2. Click the Request tab in the header pane.

    3. Click the Title of the request to which you would like to convert as service request.

    4. Click the Actions menu -> Select Convert Incident to Service option. This opens Convert Incident to Service dialog as shown below,


    1. Select Service Category from the drop down.

    2. Select Service Template from the drop down to be applied to the request.

    3. If you wish to Overwrite the incident field values with the template values then select the corresponding option by enabling the check box.

    4. If you would like to Create the tasks present in the Service Template then select the corresponding option by enabling the check box.

    5. Click Convert button. This displays the message stating that the Incident has been modified to Service Request.



    1. The incident associated to problem will be removed during the conversion.

    2. The approvals made for the incident will also be removed.






    Zoho Corp. All rights reserved.