Save 3 hours per IT change with our robust IT change management module*

Design, automate, implement, and govern IT changes effectively with custom templates, visual workflows, and powerful automations.

With ServiceDesk Plus, transform the way your ticketing system works to enhance your ticket resolution experience.

  • 5+ years

    of experience

  • 33,960+

    service desks

  • 62


Essential IT change management features available in ServiceDesk Plus

Visual change workflow builder

Visualize and control the entire life cycle of IT changes with the visual workflow builder that allows you to build change management processes easily on a drag-and-drop interface.

Quick change creation

Easily create IT changes from incidents or problems when they call for it, and automatically record all existing information in the newly logged change.

Custom change templates

Collect all the required information during change submission using customizable change templates.

Change roles

Specify stakeholders, such as change owner, approver, and reviewer, and grant them their rightful permissions using change roles.

Planning and evaluation

Determine and record the course of an IT change and its workflows with an impact analysis, rollout and back-out plans, and downtime plans.

CAB and change approvals

Create multiple CABs easily and add them to change requests for recommendations. Set multilevel approvals, automate them, and control the approval process for each change.

Change implementation

Manage changes better by handling change implementations as projects if the complexity of the change process calls for it. Monitor associated incidents and problems, schedule downtime, and keep stakeholders informed with announcements and notifications.

Review and closure

Record the post-implementation review (PIR) for all changes for future reference and use.

Awards & Recognitions

Here are some best practices to increase IT change success rates using ServiceDesk Plus:

  • Allow changes to be created easily from the corresponding incidents and problems that led to the change.
  • Recognize the type of change early on and determine its impact through appropriate risk analysis.
  • Record all information pertaining to the change during change logging using custom change templates.
  • Build the custom, automated change workflows that your business demands.
  • Define stakeholders' roles and responsibilities, and provide appropriate access permissions, using change roles.
  • Work out an effective multitier approval system for different types of changes.
  • Identify risks and impacts right at the beginning of a change and formulate rollout and back-out plans.
  • Break down change implementations into projects and carry them out efficiently with the integrated project management module.
  • Stay on top of communication with stakeholders on downtime and other updates using announcements and notifications.
  • Monitor each change's progress and measure its success with checklists, tasks, projects, and a PIR.

Other ITSM processes available in ServiceDesk Plus

  • IT incident management

    Ensure business continuity with efficient, tried-and-true IT incident management workflows.

  • IT problem management

    Handle IT issues and prevent further incidents effectively by identifying underlying issues. Log incidents as problems, automatically associate problems with incidents, record symptoms, provide work-arounds, and resolve IT problems easily.

  • IT asset management

    Easily discover, track, and manage IT and non-IT assets, and keep tabs on software licenses, cost and depreciation, purchase details, and more.

  • CMDB

    Build an inventory of all your configuration items, track them, and define their dependencies with visual relationship maps to make informed business decisions and stay on trend.

  • Enterprise service management

    Extend proven ITSM best practices to departments like HR and facilities with the rapid-start enterprise service desk capabilities.

Trusted by 100,000+ IT service desk teams across the globe

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help desk software now from our experts.

*According to Forrester TEI report

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