ITIL service knowledge management system

Apart from solution articles, other details like user/technician data, analysis from the reports, metrics monitored, and many others fall under the umbrella of "knowledge." This knowledge present in the service desk usually lacks structure and is hard to document. Preserving the integrity of the knowledge in a database is also challenging. These challenges are solved using service knowledge management systems (SKMS).
The SKMS is the central repository of the data, information, and knowledge that the IT organization needs to deliver services. The SKMS stores, manages, updates, and presents all information that an IT service provider needs to manage in a full life cycle of IT services.
A configuration management system (CMS) and a configuration management database (CMDB) are also a part of SKMS. The CMS contains all configuration items (CIs) within the service desk along with the relationships between those items. The CMDB contains all configuration data related to an organization's IT infrastructure. The relationship between SKMS, CMS, and CMBS is illustrated in the image below.

The SKMS represents all the knowledge within the service desk, helping tie together all the information needed to deliver a service. It makes it easier for technicians and end users to access information they need when they need it.
The SKMS is virtually divided into four distinct layers. These four layers are built in to most service desks.
Data and information layer:
This layer of SKMS focuses on storing all the data in an IT service desk. This layer houses various databases such as the CMDB and the known error database (KEDB). This layer also includes other configuration, management, and audit tools and applications.
Information integration layer:
The data entered gets integrated into the service desk in this layer. From the data stored in the data and information layer, this layer gives relationship and structure to data. For instance, the CIs and their relationships with other CIs can be accessed from various parts of the service desk, such as an incident ticket.
Knowledge processing:
The knowledge base exists in this layer, where any knowledge required can be accessed. The knowledge processing layer acts as a interface for the user to analyze and obtain reports of the all the information present.
Presentation layer:
All the knowledge gathered and analyzed is presented to the end users in this presentation layer. For example, the self-service portal can act as the presentation layer. Knowledge is structured in a conceivable format for ease of access and use. With visual materials and other features like browse and search buttons, this layer helps users get all the knowledge they need.