Hey there,
We hope you're doing well and keeping safe. This past month, we have curated in-depth, informative resources from our experts to help you gain more knowledge and insights to improve your IT service desk game plan.
Calling all managed service providers—this one's for you. Our team has put together a comprehensive guide on how to run a successful managed services business. You will learn the nitty-gritty of building a profitable MSP practice with the right kind of offers for your clients, efficient client onboarding, handling issues in your MSP organization, and best practices.
Ever faced a breach to your organization's security or a cyberattack? Irrespective of how you answered that, it's important that every IT service organization be prepared to handle such events effectively. Incident response (IR) is the approach with which IT teams address these situations, and we've put together a quick read for you on how to create an effective IR plan.
March 10, 2021, 6am GMT | 11am EST
Building a cost-effective, functional network management strategy
Learn how to proactively monitor your clients' networks with OpManager MSP
Contribute to industry learning and get the opportunity to win a $50 gift voucher! Please set aside a few minutes to take our Site24x7 survey and be one of the hundred respondents to win a gift voucher and also gain exclusive access to the survey reports. Site24x7 is a performance monitoring solution for DevOps and IT operations.
That's all the updates we have for this month. Please stay connected with us on

Until next time,
LeAnn Gordon
The ServiceDesk Plus team