How many service desk instances can be created?
- A maximum of 15 instances can be created.
I have upgraded my ServiceDesk Plus (which is an Enterprise edition, with 10 tech and 2000 assets) and would like to try out the HR and Facilities service desk instances, how does ManageEngine provide licenses for the above-mentioned scenario?
Will I be able to choose an edition of my choice for a new service desk instance on the trial version?
- No. All new service desk instances will have the Enterprise edition by default.
How many technicians can be created for a service desk instance while on a trial account?
- While on a trial license, you can add upto two technicians for the new instances.
I have created new service desk instances, how do I apply the licenses?
- Make sure you have the OrgAdmin access. Use the License Tab on the top right corner to apply the license. Choose the appropriate license against the corresponding instance and save.
I have applied the wrong license to one of the service desk instance, how and where do I change it?
I have created instances for IT and HR, butplanning to go with IT and Facilities. What am I supposed to do?
- Create a new service desk instance for facilities under ESM Directory>>ServiceDesk Instances.
- Now go to the License Tab on the top right corner and select Dissociate License for the HR instance to free up the used license.
- Now click the license drop-down against the Facilities Instance, choose the corresponding license, and click Save.
What happens when the license expires?
- Default IT instance will be moved to Standard free Edition. Other instances will go into the Read-Only mode, setting all instances to "License Expired" status. Only the OrgAdmin will have access to apply licenses.
What will be the status of a service desk instance once a license is applied?
- Once a license is applied for an instance, the status of the instance will be reverted to the previous status, i.e Pre-Production or Production.
I have been using IT, HR, and Facilities service desk instances for 3 months and now I want to use only the Facilities instance, can I purchase a license only for Facilities?
- Since the base service desk instance is IT, it is mandatory to apply a license for the IT instance and perform general operations. Then, you will have to purchase two licenses, (one each for two instances). Contact sales@managemengine.com to get licenses for IT and Facilities HelpDesk.
Can I set a service desk instance to "Retired" Status?
- Yes, Instance Owner has the permission to move an instance to the Retired Status. Upon doing so, the whole instance will go into the Read-Only mode, allowing only the Instance Owner to access the instance.
- Instance once set as Retired CANNOT be moved to Pre-Production or Production status.
- A retired instance will be counted for the instance license. License can be freed only when the entire instance is deleted.
What happens when all licenses including the default IT license expires?
- Once the license expires for the complete installation, base IT license will be changed to Free standard edition with one user. For other portals, Org admins will have the read only mode access
Can you please explain the licensing structure for an ESM setup?
- Each service desk instance (HR, Facilities, IT, Legal,etc.) requires a license. By default for a new installation of ServiceDesk Plus, the application is bundled with a default license and two instance licenses, valid up to 30 days. Two technicians each can be associated with these instances.
- To continue further, new license has to be purchased for the each instances. The licenses preference of each instance can vary between standard, professional and enterprise.
Can we share a license between the instances? For example, if I have a professional license for 10 technicians, can it be shared between IT service desk (6 technicians) and Facilities service desk (4 technicians)
- You can contact our sales team to split the current license between the instances as required.
- Each instance should be mapped with their own license.
Does the license need to have a unique name for each instance like in cloud?
- ServiceDesk Plus on-premises license will have unique names in the license file, each containing edition, technician login and add-on's. This way each license will be listed individually when associating license to the instance.
Can customers apply their current SDP license for testing the new ESM test build?
- Please reach out to sales@manageengine.com for test server licenses.