SupportCenter Plus

    Operational Hours

    You can set the operational hours of your organization which calculates the due by time for a request. Besides setting specific working hours, you also have an option to set specific operational hours for any of the days of the week.


    To set the organization's operational hours,

    1. Click on the Admin tab in the header pane.

    2. Click on Operational Hours icon operational-hours-admin under Contract Settings block.


    1. You can specify your working hours as either Round the clock or you can select the Operational Hours from the Start Time and End Time drop down.

    2. Now, select the days that your organization works by selecting the check boxes provided beside the days of the week.

    3. If you would like to set specific working hours for any of the working days, select the check box beside the day and click on the Add Custom Time button. You can set the start and end time by selecting the appropriate values from the drop down boxes.

    4. Click Save.

    If you have already set the operational hours and now you wish to modify the same, you still need to follow the same procedure as specified above. But in this case, when you click Operational Hours from the Admin Home page, it will open the Operational Hours form with the details that have been set earlier. You can make the necessary modifications and then click on Save.


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