SupportCenter Plus

    Viewing Dashboards


    There are many actions that can be performed on the widgets from the Dashboard tab. The following topics are discussed under this section:-


    Drag and Drop Widgets


    With the drag and drop option, you can place the widgets in the dashboard according to your preference. The widgets most viewed or vital can be placed above all other widgets.



    To perform a drag and drop of the widgets,

    1. Hover the cursor over the widget title section.

    2. Click and drag and widget to the desired location in the canvas.

    NOTE: Please note that the widgets should be placed within the dotted lines as shown in the image below,






    Widget Settings


    Each widget in the dashboard is provided with a settings icon dashboard-settingsicon  from where the details about the widget can be obtained. The settings icon also consists of the following options,

    • Settings
      The Settings option is available only for the Custom widget and for widgets depicting Time Period (pie chart, bar diagram and line diagram).  

    • Hide this Widget
      Use Hide this Widget to remove a widget from the dashboard. You can enable the widget using Edit Dashboard option.

    • About this Widget
      About this Widget provides information on the details and purpose of the widget.  

    Lets take the pie chart as an example to explore the actions that can be performed on the widgets. The pie chart is divided into various sectors illustration each portion with a name and numeric value. Hovering over each sector displays the proportion in percentage.


    For instance, the widget "Requests by Support Reps" is a pie chart illustrating the number of requests assigned to the various support reps configured in the application.




    You can set the Time Period to view the requests assigned to the support reps for the present month, present week, previous month and previous week. There are two ways through which you can set the Time Period,

    • Select the Time Period from the Widget.

    • Click the Settings icon dashboard-settingsicon -> Settings option. Set the default Time Period from the drop down. Click Save.




    Custom Widget


    The custom widget can be customized to display any plain text, video or any output that requires a html snippet. To add a html snippet, enter a name to be displayed for the widget in the Widget Name field. Enter a brief description on the custom widget in the Description text field. Next, paste the HTML snippet or the plain text in the field provided. Click Save to display the output.





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