SupportCenter Plus

    Pre-defined Reports

    SupportCenter Plus provides you with pre-defined reports that can be classified as Survey Reports, Account Reports, Timespent Reports, Reports by Overdue requests, Reports by Completed requests, Reports by Pending requests, Reports by all requests and Summary Reports.


    Support Reps with administrator privilege and Full access permission over Reports module can edit these pre defined reports to suit their needs.



    Survey Reports


    These reports provide you with the summary details on the survey results based on various parameters. All these reports help in measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of your support team, and take respective corrective actions. Under Survey reports you have,

    • Survey Overview Report whichgives you the overall ratings of each of the questions in the survey based on the feedback of the users who took the survey. The ratings give you an idea about the value that is associated with the corresponding question. This report provides both tabular and a graphic representation of the results.

    • Survey Results by Category report has the survey information grouped based on the category. Against each category, the points gained by each of the survey questions is tabulated. Depending on the kind of survey questions, this report provides valuable information based on individual request categories.

    • Survey Results by Department has the survey information grouped based on the department from which the requests originated. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the department name from where the request originated.

    • Survey Results by Level has the survey information grouped based on the level of the requests. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the level of the request for which the survey was sent.

    • Survey Results by Mode has the survey information grouped based on the mode of the requests. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the mode of the request for which the survey was sent. This also gives you an idea on the mode of request that is most frequently used to create a new request.

    • Survey Results by Priority has the survey information grouped based on the priority of the requests. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the priority of the request for which the survey was sent.

    • Survey Results by Contact has the survey information grouped based on individual contact. This helps you in finding out which contact has sent the maximum number of requests and any other information based on your survey questions. This will give you an idea of the users perspective and help you in deciding about the corrective actions that need to be taken to make the support team more efficient and effective.

    • Survey Results by Support Rep has the survey information grouped based on individual support reps. Each of the survey questions will carry some value and based on this value, the average value for the questions will be marked against the support reps. These points will enable you to objectively measure the support reps efficiency and effectiveness from the users perspective and take any corrective measures, if required.


    Account Reports


    These reports provide you with the summary of account details with several parameters such as Report by Product, Product Zone, Time Zone, Report by Account City, Report by Account Country and Report by Account Industry.  Using these reports you can track the number of request raised from each account and zone.



    Request Timespent Reports


    These reports provide information on the support rep's time spent on requests and the cost per support rep based on the time spent. You can group the report information based on Account, Contact, Product and Product Type of the request. The time spent report by contact, gives you an idea on the cost per contact and the number of request.

    By default, the support desk reports is created for the current week. On editing, you can choose any custom period of your choice or choose to create reports for last week, or this month, or for just this day. All these reports can be used for analysis purposes. Say, the reports mapped against the parameter support rep can be used to measure the support rep responsiveness and load handling capability.



    Reports by Overdue requests


    You can get the report of all the overdue requests from Account, Category, Contact, level, Priority, Group, Contact, Product Type, Support Rep, Mode, Due Date and Created date. Thus these reports helps in improving the service and rectify the mistakes for mutual benefit.



    Reports by completed requests


    These reports show the distribution of completed and closed requests. Similar to Survey Reports, these reports are generated based on various parameters such as Category, Account, Contact, Level, Mode, Priority, Group, Product and Product Type.



    Reports by pending requests


    This shows the distribution of all pending requests for a specific period of time, based on different parameters, such as Category, Account, Contact, Level, Mode, Priority, Group, Product, Product Type and Support Rep.



    Reports by all requests


    These reports provide you with graphical view of all open and closed requests by Category, Created Date, Account, Level, Priority, Status,Group, Product, Product Type, Contact, Support Rep, request status by Category, Level, Priority, Support Rep, Account and Contact.



    Request Summary requests


    These reports provide you with a high level view of the requests Received and Completed during a particular period date-wise. These reports are generated based on various parameters such as Category, Account, Contact, Level , Mode, Priority, Support Rep, Group, Product and Product type. These parameters are applicable for both Receive and Completed requests.



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