SupportCenter Plus

    Editing Requests

    ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus provides you with the option to modify the created request either from the request list view page or from request details page. You can also modify the template of the request from the request details page.


    Edit Request from List View


    To edit requests from the list view page,

    1. Click on the Request tab in the header pane to open the request list view page.

    2. Click on the Edit icon editiconbeside the request title to edit.

    3. The request form opens in editable format with the values populated during creating the request.

    4. Modify the details and specify the Reason for Updating the Request. This reason will be shown in the History tab of the request.

    5. Click Update button to save the changes.

    From the request list view, you have an option to edit more than one request. This comes in handy when there are a group of requests with similar issues. Instead of editing the requests one by one, you can edit the details in a single shot.  


    To perform bulk edit,

    1. From the request list view page, select the check box beside the request you wish to edit.

    2. Click on Edit button. The edit request page opens to display the request id of the requests that are grouped together to edit.

    3. You can edit the request details, owner details, product and category details of the request.

    4. Specify the Reason for Updating the Request in the given field. The specified reason will be shown in the History tab in request details page.

    5. Click Update button to save the changes.


    Edit Request from Details page


    To edit requests from the request details page,

    1. Click on the Request tab in the header pane to open the request list view page.

    2. Click the Subject link of the request you wish to edit.

    3. From the request details page, click on Edit tab.

    4. The request form opens in editable format with the values populated during creating the request.

    5. If you want to change the template of the request, select the template from the Template drop down available on the top right corner of the page. You will get a confirmation message stating that the new template you are trying to apply may have default vaules configured for certain fields.

      If you would like to apply the values for all the fields then, click Apply for all fields button. Or if you would like to apply only for fields without values then click Apply only for fields that do not contain a value button. The values get updated to the fields.


    1. Modify the details and specify the Reason for Updating the Request. This reason will be shown in the History tab of the request.

    2. Click Update button to save the changes.

    You are also provided with an Edit button or the Inline Edit option to edit certain request properties.


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