SupportCenter Plus

    Trashing Requests

    The deleted Requests will be moved to the Trash by default. The requests in the Trash will be automatically deleted in the next 24 hours from the time of deletion. You can recover the requests in the Trash, using the restore option.



    Trashed requests:

    • Requests that have been moved to the trash (deleted requests) will be removed from the active request list. These trashed requests are considered as a separate set with separate search options. Trashed Requests will not be listed in the active request list, requests search result, and active request reports.

    • The trashed requests cannot be modified, but can be deleted or moved (restore) back to the active state.

    • Any reply to an already trashed request will be added as a new request and not as a thread to the existing trashed request.


    SupportCenter Plus gives you an option to restore requests from the Trash List View or from the Trash list View --> Request Details Page.



    Restore Request from Trash List View


    You can restore two or more requests from the Trash list view.


    To restore requests,

    1. Click on the Request tab in the header pane.

    2. From the Requests view, click Trash from the left pane. All the trashed requests will be listed.

    3. Select the requests to be restored by enabling the check box beside left side of each of the request title.

    4. Click Restore button. A confirmation dialog appears.

    5. Click OK to proceed. The selected requests are restored.

    Restore Request from Details Page


    To restore request from the request details page,

    1. Click on the Request tab in the header pane to open the request list view page.

    2. From the Requests view, click Trash from the left pane. All the trashed requests will be listed.

    3. Click the Subject of the request to be restored.

    4. From the request details page, click Restore button displayed at the top of the page. A confirmation dialog box opens asking your confirmation on restoring the request.

    5. Click OK to proceed. The selected request is restored and displayed under the 'All Request' view.


    Delete Trashed Request


    The requests in Trash will be automatically deleted after 24 hours from the time of deletion. You can even delete the request manually from Trash list view.


    NOTE: You can even change the number of days after which the requests should be deleted from the trash by changing the GlobalConfig table entry.


    To delete individual requests,

    1. Click on the Request tab in the header pane to open the request list view page.

    2. From the Requests view, click Trash from the left pane. All the trashed requests will be listed.

    3. Click the Subject of the request to be deleted.

    4. From the request details page, click Delete button displayed at the top of the page. A confirmation dialog box opens asking your confirmation on deleting the request.

    5. Click OK to proceed. The selected request is permanently deleted from the application.

    To delete more than one request at a time,

    1. Click on the Request tab in the header pane to open the request list view page.

    2. From the Requests view, click Trash from the left pane. All the trashed requests will be listed.

    3. Select the requests to be deleted from the list by enabling the check box.
    4. Click Delete button. A confirmation dialog box opens asking your confirmation on deleting the request.

    5. Click OK to proceed. The selected requests are permanently deleted from the application.



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