SupportCenter Plus Features Knowledge base

Knowledge base

Organize knowledge and close requests in no time!

Build a powerful knowledge repository. Provide enhanced customer support.

  • Add knowledge articles instantly by importing them from CSV files.
  • Quickly access the most popular and most recent solutions using preset views.
  • Let customers rate and comment on the solutions shared with them.
  • Easily find solutions from the knowledge base using keywords.
Knowledge articles
Customer support knowledge base

Organize knowledge. Make way for faster resolutions.

  • Forward articles to customers directly from the knowledge base.
  • Set up automatic review and expiration dates for solutions to ensure solutions are still useful and valid.
  • Share only approved solutions with support reps.
  • Share solutions with specific customers using topic templates.
  • Choose what to share with customers by altering access permissions.
  • Group solutions by topics and sub-topics to facilitate easier access.
  • Take advantage of the REST API support and manage solutions.
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