Agent installation through web console

To start remotely troubleshooting any computer in your corporate network, an agent installable is required. With Remote Access Plus automatic agent deployment, you can effortlessly troubleshoot network computers instantly.

Automatic Agent Installation

Once a domain or workgroup is added under Remote Access Plus, one can immediately troubleshoot any computer in that domain/workgroup by searching the computer by the name, FQDN or IP address. Whenever a troubleshooting task is initiated for the first time in a given computer, the agent installable is automatically installed in that computer.

Note: To automatically push agents to the computers running on Mac and Linux operating systems, you'll have to provide the Root Credentials of the target domain. To achieve this, navigate to Admin tab -> Agent -> Agent Settings -> Mac / Linux agent settings

Manual Agent Installation

Note: If the automatic agent installation unexpectedly fails for various reasons, you can download the agent installable specific for Windows, MAC and, Linux OSs from the Download Agent button and proceed with the manual installation.

Installing Windows Agents

To manually install Remote Access Plus agent in Windows computers, download the Windows specific agent installable and follow the below steps:

  1. Log-in to the computer in which you want to install the Remote Access Plus agent as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the folder in which you have downloaded the agent component.
  3. Install the downloaded Agent EXE file in the client machine.
  4. If you want to install agents silently in the client machine, please add "/silent" argument after the exe file. For example: LocalOffice_Agent.exe /silent

Installing MAC Agents

Other than the automatic installation, MAC agents can be installed manually by downloading the MAC specific agent installable. To manually install the agent in a MAC computer, download the MAC specific agent installable from the console, and follow the below steps:

  1. Log-in to the computer in which you want to install the Remote Access Plus agent as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the folder in which you have downloaded the agent component.
  3. Extract the zip file and locate UEMS_MacAgent.pkg and serverinfo.plist file.
  4. Double click to install agent
  5. Enter administrator password when prompted to complete installation.

Installing Linux Agents


Before you manually install Linux agents in your network, ensure following packages are available in the remote computer:

  1. "tar" package version 1.29 or above.
  2. "xz" or "xz-utils" based on type of Linux OS.

Agent Installation

  1. Download the Linux specific agent component from the console.
  2. Go to the terminal as a root user. If you do not login as a root user, open the terminal and use sudo command to perform each operation mentioned below and enter password whenever prompted. This provides you the root privilege.
  3. Navigate to the location, where the agent is downloaded and unzip the by using the command "unzip -e".
  4. Verify if, "UEMS_LinuxAgent.bin" & "serverinfo.json" are located in the same path.
  5. Execute the Command, "chmod +x UEMS_LinuxAgent.bin" as a root user. This prepares the executable for installation.
  6. Run the Installer using "./UEMS_LinuxAgent.bin". Agent will be installed by default in "/usr/local/uemsagent" directory.
  7. If you wanted to change the installation location of the agent, use this command "./UEMS_LinuxAgent.bin -d ".