How do I disable Google Authenticator in Remote Access Plus?
Remote Access Plus administrator can disable the two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator from Admin tab -> User Administration -> Users -> Secure Authentication -> Disable Secure Authentication.
What can be done if the user/administrator cannot access Google Authenticator?
If a user/administrator has deleted or unable to access the Google Authenticator account,
He/she can contact other users with the administrator privileges to restore two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator. Administrator can also re-send the QR code via e-mail from Admin tab -> User Administration -> Actions (Under the appropriate user) -> Re-send QR Code.
If there are no other administrators available,
Follow the below steps to disable the two-factor authentication.
- From the machine in which your Remote Access Plus server is running, open services.msc and stop your Remote Access Plus Server service.
- Using command prompt in administrator mode, navigate to <Install_Dir>\RemoteAccessPlus_Server\bin directory and execute ExecuteQuery.bat disable2FA.xml.
- Start Remote Access Plus server service from services.msc.
- Now login to the Remote Access Plus web console using a different browser to avoid caching issues.
Note: Following the above steps will disable two-factor authentication for all the Remote Access Plus users. However, You can enable it again by navigating to Admin tab -> User Administration ->Users -> Secure Authentication -> Enable Two-Factor Authentication.