CVE-2022-47523: Authenticated SQL Injection Vulnerability

Vulnerability ID : CVE-2022-47523
Severity : High
Update Release Build : 10.1.2228.19
Update Release Date : January 07, 2023


What was the problem?

An authenticated SQL injection vulnerability in Remote Access Plus (CVE-2022-47523) was identified which may allow an adversary to execute custom queries and access the database table entries. This has now been fixed by enhancing validation and escaping special characters.

How to fix it?

Upgrading to the latest version is strongly advised due to this vulnerability's severity. To upgrade, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the product console, click on your current build number on the top right corner.
  2. You'll be able to find the latest build applicable to you. Download the PPM and update.

Credits via ManageEngine's Bug Bounty program.

For any further questions or concerns on this, please write to our support team at