Security Hardening for
Active Directory and Windows Servers


Security Hardening for Active Directory and Windows Servers


Security Hardening for Active Directory and Windows Servers

Security is finally getting the attention it deserves in Microsoft Windows environments. However, there are still plenty of organizations that fail to apply the necessary security settings to safeguard themselves against cyberattacks. Maintaining poor security settings increases the risk of attackers successfully compromising your Active Directory.

With attacks such as pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket, and other corporate cyberattacks that take advantage of privileged account access, company assets are at tremendous risk. To learn how well your organization's Active Directory is protected, take this short survey!

Software can protect your organization's perimeter to an extent, but most importantly, you need to educate your employees on the best practices to follow to avoid falling prey to attacks. Therefore, the solution you choose should enforce your users to adhere to tried and tested best practices for Active Directory security and seamlessly integrate into your organization.

You'll get to know tried and tested best practices for Active Directory security including just-in-time privileged access management, just enough access, multi-factor authentication, and more, showcased in use cases in this e-book.

If technology from Microsoft or
any other vendor is not the fix, then what is the fix?

I believe that the fix is a complete investigation into who has elevated privileges throughout the Microsoft Windows
environment, then a reconfiguration of these settings to ensure only the correct users have the appropriate access.
This is a multistep, yet straightforward process:

     Use builtin, free, and inexpensive tools to report on the current configurations that grant privileges.

     Analyze the reports to discover who has privileges.

     Configure the appropriate areas that grant privileges to ensure only the correct users have privlleges.(This is the security hardening!)

     Now that the security hardening is in place, we know that only the correct users have elevated privileges. We only need to monitor changes to who has privileges to ensure there is no drift from our security hardening.

In this e-book, you will learn the best ways to track changes made to:

  • Privileged accounts
  • Security groups
  • Group Policy Objects
  • Stale accounts, and more!

You will also find interesting use cases and real life examples for each of them.

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In order to secure your Windows servers and Active Directory, you will need to cover a lot of areas.
The areas that we will cover on this site to help you create security hardening include:

 Security Hardening 
 Local users and groups 
 Active Directory Users 
 Efficient Active Directory User Management 
 Active Directory groups 
 User Rights  
 Active Directory Delegation  
 Group Policy Delegation  
 Password Management 
 Auditing and Monitoring of Active Directory 
 Service Accounts 
Again, this list seems short, but the effort will not be. Even for a medium sized organization with a few hundred servers, this task should take you approximately 2 to 3 weeks of semi-dedicated time. In order to guide you through the process, let me give you some insight into the concepts of security hardening located here.
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