Server Settings

Under server settings, you can configure the mail and SMS server for sending notifications, alerts, etc., from the product.

Email Server

Server Settings

To configure the Email server,

Note: If Basic authentication is disabled in your environment, use OAuth authentication to configure mail server. Follow the below steps to create Azure application.

Steps to create Azure application for mail server configuration:

  1. Open Azure portal and click Microsoft Entra ID.
  2. Select App registrations from the left menu and click New registration.
  3. Enter a Name of your choice and choose the Supported account types. (Leave it as default)
  4. Under Redirect URI, select "Web" as platform & copy-paste the below IDMP public OAuth link:
  5. Click Register to create the application.
  6. Steps to create Azure application for mail server configuration

  7. From the left pane, click Certificates & secrets → New client secret.
  8. On the displayed page, provide a Description for the client secret and under Expires, choose the validity of the client secret and click on Add.
  9. You will find the client secret generated. Copy the string under Value and save it. This is the Application Secret Key, which you will require later.
  10. Steps to create Azure application for mail server configuration

  11. In left pane, click on the Overview section and copy the Application(client) ID.
  12. Enter the Tenant Name, User Name, Application ID, and Secret Key in the Server Settings page as shown in the below screenshot. Your Tenant Name should be in <org_name> format. (E.g)
  13. Steps to create Azure application for mail server configuration

  14. Click on Save Settings and complete the authorization prompt.
Note: When you are redirected to Microsoft 365 during OAuth authentication, authorize using the same username given during the configuration. It is mandatory to use a username associated with a mailbox.

SMS Gateway

You can configure SharePoint Manager Plus to use your own GSM modem or your custom SMS gateway.

Configuring GSM Modem

Steps involved in configuring the modem port & modem speed:

Requirements for Establishing SMS Server Connection:

Configuring Custom SMS Provider

You can configure you own custom SMS gateway provided that the gateway is HTTP or SMTP-based. Please follow the steps given below:

HTTP-based SMS provider:


SMTP-based SMS provider:

Note: If you don't configure the SMTP server settings, then the mail server configured under the Admin → General Settings → Server Settings → Email Server tab will be used.

SMPP-based SMS provider:

Proxy Server Settings

Follow the below steps to configure a proxy server in the product:

Enable Proxy Server

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab → General Settings → Server Settings.
  2. Click the Proxy Settings tab.
  3. Select the Enable Proxy Server check box.
  4. Enter the Server Name or IP and Port Number of the proxy server in the respective fields.
  5. Enter the Username and Password credentials for accessing the proxy server.
  6. Click Save Settings.
  7. Enable Proxy Server

Disable Proxy Server

Follow the below steps to disable the proxy server:

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab → General Settings → Server Settings.
  2. Click the Proxy Settings tab.
  3. Uncheck the Enable Proxy Server check box.
  4. Click Save Settings.
  5. Enable Proxy Server

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