St. Bernards Healthcare reinvents credential management with ADSelfService Plus

About St. Bernards Healthcare:
Founded in 1900 by the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters, St. Bernards Healthcare stands as a cornerstone healthcare provider in Jonesboro, USA. Committed to providing Christ-like healing, the organization delivers excellence in heart care, cancer treatment, women's and children's services, and senior services.
Healthcare -
Business challenges:
- Overwhelmed IT help desk: St. Bernards faced a formidable challenge with its small IT help desk grappling with an incessant stream of password reset requests, creating a bottleneck in operational efficiency.
- Manual intervention: The absence of a robust self-service solution meant that the IT team was often bogged down in time-consuming manual interventions for resolving password-related issues.
- Administrative usability concerns: Seeking an optimal solution, the IT team required a user-friendly administrative interface that could efficiently streamline processes.
The Problem:
St. Bernards Healthcare recognized the urgent need for an automated, hands-free approach to mitigating high-volume, redundant tasks, such as password resets. Joel Ganong, the IT administrator, emphasized the impact: "We have a relatively small IT help desk for the size of our organization. Our staff [was] tied up at any given time, resetting passwords for end users."
After evaluating several solutions to solve the challenges related to IT productivity, St. Bernards Healthcare deployed ManageEngine ADSelfservice Plus within its environment. Joel remarked that "the price-point and features provided [by ADSelfService Plus]" happened to be the major clinchers.
The Solution:
With timely delivery of services proving to be critical for a healthcare delivery organization like St. Bernards, ADSelfService Plus emerged to be a positive catalyst in this aspect. Joel reported a substantial impact on the organization's support structure: "Since implementing the solution, we've deflected over a hundred calls a month for password resets alone."
ADSelfService Plus' entry marked a drastic reduction in manual interventions and has significantly liberated the organization's IT help desk to focus on more strategic initiatives. Likewise, ADSelfService Plus not only met but exceeded expectations in terms of usability. Joel acknowledged, "The overall user interface was really friendly [to navigate]. Once our team was acquainted with the system, carrying out administrative tasks became trivial."
To enable a context-driven adoption of ADSelfService Plus, St. Bernards availed the custom onboarding services offered by ManageEngine, wherein the organization received a hands-on, expert-assisted installation of the solution in its IT environment. Joel expressed his satisfaction by remarking that ManageEngine's custom onboarding team "[has] been very responsive through the whole implementation process." He recounted that "anytime I've reached out or needed to talk to somebody, I got an answer almost immediately, which was very nice." Joel highly recommends the service to his peers.
The adoption of ADSelfService plus amongst employees proved to be a cakewalk for St. Bernards' employees, with Joel noting that the help documents have been useful in the process. With a high likelihood (9 out of 10) of recommending ADSelfService Plus, St. Bernards Healthcare's IT team expressed satisfaction with the product's features and pricing. Joel encapsulated the overall experience in one word: "Excellent."
Joel added that his interactions have been satisfactory right from "quoting and exploring product features to the implementation [and] the actual usage of the product. Everybody that I've talked to at ManageEngine has...done an excellent job and has provided me with all the information that I needed in a timely manner, and the product works very well."
About ADSelfService Plus
ADSelfService Plus is an identity security solution to ensure secure and seamless access to enterprise resources and establish a Zero Trust environment. With capabilities such as adaptive multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, self-service password management, a password policy enhancer, remote work enablement and workforce self-service, ADSelfService Plus provides your employees with secure, simple access to the resources they need. ADSelfService Plus helps keep identity-based threats out, fast-tracks application onboarding, improves password security, reduces help desk tickets and empowers remote workforces. For more information about ADSelfService Plus, visit