
This section allows you to configure the port settings, and session expiry time of RecoveryManager Plus.

To configure port settings of RecoveryManager Plus,

  • Navigate to Admin tab → Connection.
  • In the RecoveryManager Plus port [http] field, use the default port number 8090 specify a port number of your choice.
  • Select the Enable SSL Port [https] checkbox for secure transfer of data via encryption. Use the default SSL port 8558 or use a port number of your choice.
  • To enable LDAPS to connect RecoveryManager Plus securely to your Active Directory, select the Use LDAP SSL [LDAPS] field.
  • Note: Before enabling LDAPS in RecoveryManager Plus, ensure you have enabled LDAP SSL in your Active Directory environment. To learn how to enable LDAPS in your AD environment, click here.

  • Select the desired Session Expiry Time from the options in the drop-down box.
  • To mask sensitive information such as email server and email addresses from being displayed in the UI and to protect your database backups with a password, select Enable GDPR Compliance.
  • Click Save.
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