Database Backup

To schedule a backup of RecoveryManager Plus’s database, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab > Administration > Database Settings > Database Backup.
  2. Mark the check box next to Enable Database Backup.
  3. In the Repository field, click the drop-down box to select from the list of all available repositories. If no repositories are available, click the add-repository icon to add a new storage repository.
  4. Enter a name in the Repository Name field.
  5. In the Repository Path field, enter the shared folder where you wish to save the backups. Provide the credentials of a user that can read/write the content in the specified storage location.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Select the frequency at which the database must be backed up from the list of options available: daily, weekly, or monthly.
  8. If you have selected Enable GDPR Compliance in Product Settings, you can secure your database backup with a password. Provide a password.
  9. Click Save.
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