Backup settings

This section lists the steps to create backup schedules for your Google accounts.

To create a new backup schedule,

  • Log in to RecoveryManager Plus as an administrator.
  • Navigate to Google Workspace tab → Backup Settings.
  • Click on the Create Backup button located at the top-right corner of the screen.
  • If you’ve configured multiple Google Workspace domains, choose the domain for which you wish to create a backup schedule from the Account drop-down box. If you haven't added any GoogleWorkspace domain yet, follow the instructions listed here to configure a domain with RecoveryManager Plus.
  • Provide a name for the backup schedule.
  • Select the users accounts for which you wish to create a backup schedule by clicking the icon-add icon in the Select Users field.
  • You can select all the users by selecting the check-box adjacent to the Display Name text. To search for individual users, use the icon-add icon. After you’ve selected all users that you wish to backup, click OK.
  • Select the services that you wish to backup. You can choose to backup any combination from the given options (Mailboxes, Contacts, Calendar, and User Drive).
  • Select the desired frequency at which the schedule must run from the options available.
    • Daily - Scheduler will run once every day at the scheduled time.
    • Weekly - Scheduler will run once every week on the specified day and time.
    • Monthly – Scheduler will run once a month on the specified date and time.
  • Select the repository in which you wish to store the backups from the drop-down box.
  • In the Retention Period field, enter the number of days/months/years for which the backups should be stored. Backups older than the specified age will be discarded. If you've set the retention period to be 30 days, when the backup schedule runs on the 31st day, the backups taken on the first day will be discarded. To learn more about how RecoveryManager Plus processes retention period, click here.
  • You can also configure RecoveryManager Plus to store your backups forever, in which case backups will not be discarded.
  • Note: Minimum retention period is 30 days.

  • If you wish to encrypt your backups, select the Encrypt backup data check-box and provide an encryption key.
  • Click Save to save the scheduler and the back up will run at the specified time.
  • Click Save & Run to save the scheduler and trigger the first backup process immediately.
  • Click Cancel to exit the configuration screen.

Once a scheduler has been created, you can view the following information.

  • The name of the scheduler.
  • The repository in which the backups will be stored.
  • The services that will be backed up.
  • The last time the scheduler ran.
  • The status (success/failure) of the last backup. Clicking on the View Details link will provide the list of steps that the product performed and the status of each step. Finding out the step at which the scheduler failed will assist in troubleshooting any issue that the product might encounter.

Once you’ve configured a backup schedule, you can perform the following actions.

Edit the backup schedule
  • To edit the backup schedule click on the icon-edit icon under the Actions column of the corresponding backup schedule,
Enable/disable the backup schedule
  • Click the icon-enable / icon-disable icon under the Actions column of the backup schedule that you wish to enable/disable.
Manually trigger a backup
  • Click the icon-backup icon under the Actions column of the backup schedule to trigger a backup.
Delete the backup schedule
  • Click the icon-delete icon under the Actions column of the backup schedule that you wish to delete.
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