Backup Settings

The Backup Settings lists the entire backup configuration related to the domain. During the initial product installation process, the following information is obtained.

  1. The OUs to be backed up in the domain
  2. Object types and their associated attributes to be backed up
  3. The above mentioned information is listed under Backup Settings. Also when new domains are added under the Domain Settings, a corresponding entry is made under Backup Settings.

The domain name, the selected OUs, objects and backup frequency is listed here for domains that have backup settings configured. For others, click on the icon or the link Click here to configure to enable backup settings.

To modify the existing backup settings for a domain,

  1. Click the icon located in the Action column of the relevant domain.
  2. Select all or specific OUs to back up by clicking on icon-add-newicon. From the list of OUs displayed, select the desired OUs. You can view the child OUs by expanding the parent OU node.
    Note: To backup just the contents of the parent OU and not the contents of the nested containers, select the Exclude child OU(s) options located in the lower-right corner.
  3. In the object types field, Click the icon-add-new icon. In the pop-up that appears, select the objects and attributes that you wish to backup.
    Note: All custom attributes created by you and those inherited from auxiliary classes will be displayed and you can easily add them to be backed up. If any custom attribute is missing, search for the particular attribute by clicking the Add Attributes link and providing the LDAP name of the attribute.
  4. Select the frequency at which full backups must be taken from the list of options available: weekly, or monthly.
  5. Select the frequency at which the incremental backups must be taken from the list of options available: hourly, daily, or weekly.
  6. Select the repository in which you wish to store the backups from the drop-down box.
  7. Enter the number of full backups to be held in your repository at all times in the Set Retention Period field.
    Note: When the number of full backups in your repository exceeds the retention limit, the oldest full backup and its subsequent incremental backups will be discarded. To disable backup retention, set the retention period as '0' or leave it empty.
  8. Specify the duration for which you wish to retain deleted AD objects in the Deleted Objects Validity field.
  9. To backup GPOs using PAExec, select the Use PAExec to backup GPOs field.
  10. If you wish to force replicate all changes made to domain controllers before any backup operation is initiated, select the Force Replication option.
  11. If you wish to back up disabled user and computer objects, select the Backup disabled objects option.
  12. Click Save.

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