The solution architecture of Log360 Cloud MSSP

Log360 Cloud MSSP is a cloud-based security information and event management (SIEM) solution specifically designed for managed security service providers (MSSPs). It helps MSSPs secure their clients' IT infrastructures by detecting and responding to cyberthreats efficiently.

Log360 Cloud MSSP addresses SIEM challenges like log storage, compliance regulation changes, and high maintenance costs.

Here's how Log360 Cloud MSSP can help you handle your clients efficiently.

  •  The MSSP App Account
  •  Client App Account
  •  Licensing
  •  Technician Audit
  •  Technician Management

The MSSP App Account

This serves as a central hub account, offering insights into network activities and facilitating the monitoring of managed client servers.

The account operations here include adding, managing, and deleting clients.

The account is equipped with a central dashboard with shared screens from the added clients.

Client App Account

Client accounts operate the same as individual Log360 Cloud accounts, which are all managed by the central MSSP app account, overseeing network monitoring for the respective client base.


You can purchase the licensing deal from the store directly, after which you can allocate resources to the clients as per client requirements.

Every time there's an upgrade to the add-ons or the licensing, it is reflected on the MSSP app account's license.

Technician Audit

In Log360 Cloud MSSP, any create, read, update, and delete (CURD) operation by a technician is safely audited in the individual client app accounts.

All client operations and logs are consolidated and audited within a single space, specifically the MSSP space in Zlogs, under the associated ZLAAID of the MSSP account. A unique identifier (ClientID) is used as an identifier for the corresponding client logs for any future search or query.

Technician Management

You can seamlessly assign technicians to each client, manage each app account access and manage the client accounts as a whole.

Apart from the primary MSSP console, the technicians can access all the individual client consoles for which they have access.

Solution architecture of Log360 Cloud MSSP

Solution architecture of Log360 Cloud MSSP

Key Capabilities of Log360 Cloud MSSP

  • Multi-tenant client management: Manage and isolate log data from multiple clients under a single, unified platform, improving operational efficiency and resource utilization.
  • Advanced threat detection: Leverage pre-built correlation rules and behavior analysis to identify and proactively respond to security threats across client environments.
  • Compliance automation: Ensure compliance to complex regulations with automated reporting and alerting for industry standards like the PCI DSS, HIPAA, and the GDPR.
  • Cost-effectiveness and scalability: Leverage flexible subscription plans that adapt to your growing client base without upfront hardware investments or high maintenance costs.