What is CloudDNS?

CloudDNS is a powerful DNS management solution that enables administrators to easily configure and manage efficient, scalable communication across the internet and private networks. It provides a unified interface for monitoring domains, DNS records, server health, and query statistics, while built-in security features protect against external threats.

With advanced DNS load balancing and integrated DNS monitoring, administrators can direct traffic based on server availability and location to optimize response times. Proactive alerts for network issues and potential security breaches ensure a secure, reliable network environment for users and organizations alike.

Why choose ManageEngine CloudDNS
as your Cloud DNS service?


Points of Presence at 16 global vantage points and expanding


Multiple redundant name servers across the globe


< 20 ms average query resolution all around the globe


50k+ queries handled per second


DDos protected nameservers


100% Uptime


Unlimited DNS queries


No extra charge for poliing


Free vanity nameservers


Powering your connectivity worldwide with our robust anycast network with Points of Presence (PoPs) at global vantage locations.

Key-Features of ManageEngine's
CloudDNS service

Domain query analytics

Domain query analytics in ManageEngine CloudDNS help you visualize the insights provided on the total number of queries, queries per second, queries per record type, country-wise queries count, and more. Gain holistic visibility over the queries for your domain for early troubleshooting and service enhancement.

With ManageEngine CloudDNS, you can:

  • View country-specific queries for the domain with a global map view by enabling targeted GeoDNS.
  • View the number of queries received from all regions with the global map view.
  • View the number of queries received for the subdomains in each record type.
Domain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analytics

Load balancer

ManageEngine CloudDNS's load balancer reduces network latency of your domain by distributing traffic for a specific domain across multiple DNS records based on their availability, enhancing response times for end users.

With ManageEngine CloudDNS, you can:

  • Distribute traffic in a rotational sequence among the DNS records using Round-Robin.
  • Route traffic to different DNS records for a specific domain based on the weight assigned to each record with Weight-based Failover.
  • Assign priority to a specific record, ensuring it receives traffic first using Priority-based Failover.
Domain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analytics


ManageEngine CloudDNS's GeoDNS feature helps in routing traffic for specific domains with different DNS filters. Increase response rates for clients by redirecting queries to servers for better network service.

With ManageEngine CloudDNS, you can:

  • Route network traffic for clients to the nearest host based on their geolocation with Geo Filters.
  • Transfer the queries of clients by identifying a specific group of IP addresses of a domain with IP filters.
  • Matching the autonomous system (AS) number of the IP with the AS list to receive a response from a specific record with AS filters.
Domain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analytics


Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) in ManageEngine CloudDNS secures your domain's information during the transfer between hosts and end users by digital signing with cryptographic signatures.

With ManageEngine CloudDNS, you can:

  • Use cryptographic keys associated with the responses for confirming the origin of data matching with a specific zone with data origin authentication.
  • Validate the data to ensure there's no alteration done during the transfer between host and clients with data integrity verification.
  • Secure domain names in a zone from revealing themselves in a zone attack, where queries for a non-existing domain are sent, with authentication denial of existence.
Domain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analytics

DNS records

ManageEngine CloudDNS provides network administrators the advantage of configuring DNS records of a domain based on their needs, alongside supporting different record types like A, AAAA, CNAME, ALIAS, ANAME, and more.

With ManageEngine CloudDNS, you can:

  • Point out a domain name at the root level by configuring an ANAME record.
  • Ensure the validation of certification authorities (CAs) for issuing certificates to the right domains with CA records.
  • Gain control over different types of DNS records within a zone for a domain.
Domain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analyticsDomain query analytics

Optimize your domain traffic and reinvent your digital presence on the global network

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