Cybersecurity glossary

Explore Log360's comprehensive cybersecurity glossary—a collection of expert articles on attacks, threats,
and essential cybersecurity concepts to empower and protect your organization.

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  • Access token manipulation

    Access tokens are used by Windows applications to access APIs....

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  • Account manipulation

    Account manipulation is a technique used by attackers to gain...

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  • Attack surface expansion

    Organizations with a digital presence have been contending with this...

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  • Brute force attack

    A brute force attack is a type of cyberattack in...

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  • Credential dumping

    Credential dumping refers to the act of obtaining user credentials...

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  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)

    XSS (cross-site scripting), is a prominent security vulnerability in web...

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  • C2 attack

    Command and control (C2 or C&C) is an attack tactic...

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  • Data exfiltration

    Data exfiltration is the unauthorized access and retrieval of sensitive...

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  • DCShadow attack

    This AD-targeting attack technique aims to allow attackers with privileged...

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  • Digital supply chain attacks

    A supply chain consists of all the stakeholders involved in...

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  • DNS IoCs

    Indicators of compromise (IoCs) are pieces of forensic evidence that...

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  • Domain policy modification

    When it comes to domain modification, adversaries may change the...

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  • External IP IoCs

    When attackers intrude and attempt to infect your network, malicious...

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  • Initial access

    Initial access is a set of techniques that exploit different...

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  • Insider threats

    Insider threats are security risks that originate from users having...

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  • IoC threat hunting

    Indicators of compromise (IoCs) are clues or digital footprints that...

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  • Golden ticket attack

    A Golden Ticket attack is a powerful domain persistence attack...

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  • Kerberoasting

    Kerberos authentication protocol uses tickets for verifying the identities and...

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  • Keylogging

    A keystroke is any action through which we interact with...

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  • Lateral movement

    Lateral movement in cybersecurity is a technique where attackers, after...

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  • Log4j attack

    Log4j is a widely used logging framework developed as part...

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  • Malware attacks

    Malware is a portmanteau of malicious and software. It refers...

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  • MD5 hash IoCs

    When your system falls a victim to a malware attack,...

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  • Mimikatz

    Mimikatz takes advantage of the weaknesses present in a Windows...

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  • MITRE ATT&CK framework

    The MITRE ATT&CK® framework is a globally recognized, comprehensive matrix...

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  • Network security key

    A network security key is a type of digital password...

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  • Network sniffing

    Network sniffing is a technique employed by adversaries to observe...

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  • Next-gen SIEM

    Next-gen SIEM represents the evolution of traditional SIEM. By incorporating...

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  • Pass-the-hash attack

    Pass-the-hash is an attack technique attackers use to obtain the...

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  • Pass-the-ticket attack

    A pass-the-ticket attack is a type of cyberattack that involves...

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  • Privilege escalation attack

    Privilege escalation is the act of evading established access and...

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  • Privilege escalation with WinPEAS

    WinPEAS, also known as Windows privilege escalation awesome scripts, is...

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  • Process injection

    Process injection involves inputting malicious code to a web application...

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  • Red, blue, and purple teams in cybersecurity

    Cybersecurity is a field where defenders and attackers continuously evolve...

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  • Sharphound detection

    Developed by SpecterOps, BloodHound enables security professionals to uncover potential...

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  • SharpUp hacktool detection

    SharpUp is a C# port of various PowerUp functionalities. It...

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  • SID history injection

    Windows security identifier (SID) is a unique value that identifies...

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  • Social engineering

    Social engineering is a form of cyberattack with techniques that...

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  • Supply chain attack

    Supply chain attacks are a sophisticated, increasingly common form of...

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  • Secure server

    Securing servers is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a robust...

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  • TDIR

    Threat detection, investigation, and response (TDIR) is the process of...

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  • Threat hunting using command line logging

    Command-line process logging entails recording the details of commands executed...

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Access token manipulation

Access tokens are used by Windows applications to access APIs. An access token contains information like who initiated a process, the app that generated the token and its expiry time.

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Account manipulation

Account manipulation is a technique used by attackers to gain access to critical resources. In this technique, the attacker gets hold of a user account which doesn't have enough privileges to access the required resource or data, and elevates its privileges.

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Attack surface expansion

Organizations with a digital presence have been contending with this challenge for a long time. Much like software developers continually update their code to stay ahead of vulnerabilities, cyberthreats undergo constant adaptations, expanding their digital frontier.

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Brute force attack

A brute force attack is a type of cyberattack in which an attacker systematically tries all possible combinations of passwords or encryption keys until the correct one is found. The primary goal of a brute force attack is to gain unauthorized access to a system, a network, or an account.

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Credential dumping

Credential dumping refers to the act of obtaining user credentials (username and password) from an operating system or software. These are normally obtained in the form of a hash or clear text, which is then used to perform lateral movement, gain access to restricted information, or to install malware.

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Cross-site scripting (XSS)

XSS (cross-site scripting), is a prominent security vulnerability in web applications, where an adversary adds a malicious code into legitimate web pages. The malicious code can be injected in several ways, for instance it can be added to the end of a URL or posted directly onto a page that displays user-generated content.

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C2 attack

Command and control (C2 or C&C) is an attack tactic where adversaries maintain control over compromised systems or networks. Attackers utilize these communication channels to install additional malware, form botnets, or exfiltrate sensitive information.

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Data exfiltration

Data exfiltration is the unauthorized access and retrieval of sensitive data with malicious intentions. This can also lead to stolen and leaked confidential information and ransom demands.

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DCShadow attack

This AD-targeting attack technique aims to allow attackers with privileged rights and credentials to create a rogue DC and mimic it by replicating malicious objects in AD environment.

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Digital supply chain attacks

A supply chain consists of all the stakeholders involved in the journey of a product from its inception to its delivery to customers. This is mostly linear and the players involved leave the picture once their role is complete.

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Indicators of compromise (IoCs) are pieces of forensic evidence that identifies malicious activity and helps detect the presence of potential threat actors in your network.

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Domain policy modification

When it comes to domain modification, adversaries may change the domain settings to escalate privileges in domain environments. Domains provide the ability for centralized management of how various resources interact.

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External IP IoCs

When attackers intrude and attempt to infect your network, malicious external IP addresses and URLs are the one of the most obvious indicators of compromise (IoCs) in your logs. Security and threat intelligence agencies such as AbuseIPDB and RobTex compile and maintain these IoCs for the enterprises to use.

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Initial access

Initial access is a set of techniques that exploit different entry vectors to gain the initial foothold in an organization's network. There are nine initial access techniques in total (some of which that have sub-techniques) and they include various social engineering methodologies and exploitation methods of public-facing web servers.

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Insider threats

Insider threats are security risks that originate from users having legitimate access to an organization's network and databases. These users can be current or former employees or third-party vendors or partners with legitimate user credentials.

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IoC threat hunting

Indicators of compromise (IoCs) are clues or digital footprints that are used by security incident response teams to spot a network intrusion or an ongoing data breach. Some examples of IoCs include unusual outbound traffic, unauthorized privilege escalation, and suspicious resource access attempts.

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Golden ticket attack

A Golden Ticket attack is a powerful domain persistence attack carried out by abusing vulnerabilities in the Kerberos authentication protocol to forge authentication tickets and gain unlimited access to all the Kerberos-enabled services in the domain, including the domain controller services, file servers, DNSs, print servers, and more.

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Kerberos authentication protocol uses tickets for verifying the identities and thereby enabling trusted communication in a network. It facilitates mutual authentication where the user and the server verifies each other's identity.

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A keystroke is any action through which we interact with a computer by pressing buttons or keys. Keystroke logging, commonly known as keylogging, refers to the process of recording the details of keystrokes made on a device in the form of logs.

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Lateral movement

Lateral movement in cybersecurity is a technique where attackers, after intruding into an organization's network, escalate privileges, exploit vulnerabilities, and more, to gain further access to assets and resources.

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Log4j attack

Log4j is a widely used logging framework developed as part of the Apache Logging Services, a project under the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in Java and enables software developers to log various levels of system or application behavior.

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Malware attacks

Malware is a portmanteau of malicious and software. It refers to a variety of harmful programs designed to infiltrate, damage, or disable computers and computer systems. It includes a variety of harmful programs—like viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, ransomware, and adware—which perform unauthorized actions on affected systems.

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MD5 hash IoCs

When your system falls a victim to a malware attack, multiple malicious files can be installed on your system. These files masquerade their existence and execute undesirable procedures in your systems until they are discovered.

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Mimikatz takes advantage of the weaknesses present in a Windows system and uses many techniques to extract sensitive information, like passwords from AD domain controllers, the LSASS process memory, the SAM database, and other credential storage areas.

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MITRE ATT&CK framework

The MITRE ATT&CK® framework is a globally recognized, comprehensive matrix used by cybersecurity professionals to categorize and understand adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). It helps organizations detect and mitigate cyberattacks by modeling real-world adversarial behaviors.

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Network security key

A network security key is a type of digital password that grants access to Wi-Fi networks and protects data transmission between connected devices. Often referred to as a Wi-Fi password, the network security key ensures only authorized users and devices can connect to a network

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Network sniffing

Network sniffing is a technique employed by adversaries to observe and capture data as it travels through a network to steal the target's data. Specific tools or software are used to intercept and analyze the data that is being transmitted, like emails, website visits, or login details.

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Next-gen SIEM

Next-gen SIEM represents the evolution of traditional SIEM. By incorporating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML), and behavioral analytics, next-gen SIEM platforms can dynamically analyze vast datasets in real time, enabling the identification of subtle, evolving threats that traditional systems might overlook.

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Pass-the-hash attack

Pass-the-hash is an attack technique attackers use to obtain the NTLM or LANMAN hash of a user's password instead of the plain text password so they can use it to dupe an authentication system. This strategy, highly prevalent on Windows systems, is one of the successful lateral movement techniques.

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Pass-the-ticket attack

A pass-the-ticket attack is a type of cyberattack that involves the theft and reuse of authentication credentials called tickets in a Windows Active Directory environment.

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Privilege escalation attack

Privilege escalation is the act of evading established access and authorization controls in an enterprise network to gain elevated privileges and access critical network assets.

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Privilege escalation with WinPEAS

WinPEAS, also known as Windows privilege escalation awesome scripts, is an open source tool created by CarlosPolop. It is used to search for all possible paths to escalate privileges on Windows hosts and uses a color-coded system that shows which areas require attention.

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Process injection

Process injection involves inputting malicious code to a web application with which the user interacts. The injected code runs in the target process and manipulates its behavior. It can give access to sensitive data or exploit the system's resources.

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Red, blue, and purple teams in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a field where defenders and attackers continuously evolve their tactics to outsmart each other. This dynamic is especially evident in the roles played by various specialized teams within cybersecurity, namely the red, blue, and purple teams.

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Sharphound detection

Developed by SpecterOps, BloodHound enables security professionals to uncover potential attack paths and identify high-risk users by using a graph database and calculating the shortest path between objects by using its links.

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SharpUp hacktool detection

SharpUp is a C# port of various PowerUp functionalities. It is essentially a tool created for security professionals, specifically those working in the area of cybersecurity and penetration testing.

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SID history injection

Windows security identifier (SID) is a unique value that identifies a user, computer account or group. When creating an account, the domain controller (DC) issues a unique SID to each account, which is stored in the database.

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Social engineering

Social engineering is a form of cyberattack with techniques that manipulate users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information.

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Supply chain attack

Supply chain attacks are a sophisticated, increasingly common form of cyberthreat that exploit the interconnected nature of modern business relationships, targeting less secure elements in the network, such as third-party vendors, software suppliers, or hardware manufacturers.

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Secure server

Securing servers is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a robust and reliable IT infrastructure. Understanding the various server types, their uses, potential threats, and best security practices helps safeguard sensitive information and ensure seamless operations.

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Threat detection, investigation, and response (TDIR) is the process of identifying, understanding, and responding to security threats faced by organizations. This risk-based approach can be divided into three parts: Threat detection, investigation, and response.

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Threat hunting using command line logging

Command-line process logging entails recording the details of commands executed on a command-line user interface in the form of logs. This technique is mainly used for system administration and monitoring.

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