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Mobile device management with Microsoft 365

What is mobile device management for Microsoft 365?

Mobile devices have played a huge role in helping employees work from anywhere, anytime by allowing them to access files, emails, contacts, etc. Letting employees use corporate-owned mobile devices for work purposes can mean allowing employees to access resources from external networks when they are not in the office premises. This makes it difficult for the IT teams to maintain data security.

The mobile device management (MDM) feature in Microsoft 365 is a great solution that helps reduce this complexity for mobile devices. Microsoft 365 device management allows administrators to monitor, protect, and secure their organization's resources and data on various devices.

Microsoft 365's MDM feature allows you to:

  • Secure mobile devices in your organization by forcing encryption to enable and disable screenshots and enforcing users to use a code to unlock them.
  • Wipe all data from a device as and when required for security measures.

Mobile device management made easy with M365 Manager Plus

Once you have enabled mobile device management for Microsoft 365, your organization might want reports on various aspects of device management and perform a few tasks. This is where M365 Manager Plus comes in. M365 Manager Plus provides various reports and management tasks related to Microsoft 365 device management.

When it comes to Exchange Online, users might use various devices to access Exchange Online mailboxes through the Outlook mobile app. Using M365 Manager Plus, administrators can clear data on a mobile device or completely remove a user device associated with Exchange Online.

The list of tasks that M365 Manager Plus offers for mobile device management for Microsoft 365:

  1. Clear Mobile Device Data
  2. Remove Mobile Device

In the Clear Mobile Device Data management task, you can opt to notify the mailboxes associated with the devices after the mobile device data has been wiped. You can either clear data from an individual device or select multiple devices to clear data from before you apply the task. In the Remove Mobile Device management task, you can remove mobile devices synchronized with user mailboxes in your organization in bulk.

M365 Manager Plus reports for mobile device management

M365 Manager Plus also has various reports that can help you better understand different aspects of Microsoft 365 device management.

Report Description
Mobile Devices Displays all the mobile devices that are used to access Microsoft 365 mailboxes
Mobile Devices by OS Displays the operating system that the mobile devices run on
Mobile Devices by Policy Displays the policies applied to the mobile devices
Mobile Devices by Manufacturer Displays the manufacturers of the mobile devices
Device Policy Application Status Displays the policies applied to the mobile devices and the application status of those policies
Mobile Devices by Clients Displays the client type of the mobile devices
Folders Synchornized by Device Displays the number of folders synced via ActiveSync per mobile device
Devices by Access State Displays all the mobile devices and their access state
Inactive Mobile Devices Displays all the mobile devices and their last directory sync time
Active Mobile Devices Displays all the mobile devices and the active mailboxes linked to them

M365 Manager Plus reporting features

  • Manage from reports: Once you generate any of these reports, you can perform the Clear Mobile Device Data and Remove Mobile Device management tasks from the report page itself. This is a great advantage if you want to perform the tasks only for certain devices. Names and details of devices can also be filtered using any of the above reports.
  • Export reports: You can export these reports into various formats like CSV, PDF, HTML, and XML.
  • Schedule reports: M365 Manager Plus also allows you to schedule reports so that they will be generated at periodic intervals of your choice.
  • Mail reports: Mail these reports to administrators in PDF, HTML, CSV, or XML formats. You can even use notification templates while sending the email.
  • View reports: Use the printable view to preview reports before you print them out for future use.
  • Customize reports: You can add or remove columns in the report according to your needs. Even after a report has been generated, you can further filter out the results using the filter option. For example, in the Mobile Devices report, you can narrow down the results by filtering out only the devices of a particular device type.

Try M365 Manager Plus to manage mobile devices in your organization.

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