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Android Wi-Fi

You can configure the Wi-Fi settings, which needs to be distributed to the devices. After configuring the Wi-Fi settings, the profile needs to be associated to the devices/groups.

To ease the Wi-Fi configuration process, you can add all the required Wi-Fi configurations to a single profile. This will ensure the device connects to any of the specified Wi-Fi networks when in it's vicinity. It also reduces the chances of the device being unmanaged, in case connection to Wi-Fi networks not distributed by MDM, is restricted.


  • For devices running Android 13.0 and above, Wi-Fi Share will be restricted by default.
  • Restricting users from modifying/ removing Wi-Fi details on Samsung devices is not possible.
  • Wi-Fi SSID cannot be modified/removed if deployed on devices provisioned as Full Device Management (Device Owner).
  • The Wi-Fi profile supports hidden Wi-Fi network, which will work in the back end by default.
Wireless Network identification Specify the name of your Wi-Fi network success success success success
Automatically join network Enabling this option, will allow the device to automatically join the Wi-Fi network success success success success
MAC address Randomization type

MAC address is used to identify the devices in a network. As they are not encrypted, there is possibility for a potential threat. So, you can randomize the MAC address to improve the security of your devices. Choose the MAC address randomization type as persistent, non-persistent and device MAC address.

  • Persistent - When a device is connected to a network, a MAC address will be generated. The MAC address will not get re-randomized even if the user forgets and re-adds the Wi-Fi network. This MAC address remains the same until factory reset and will change only after factory reset.
  • Non-Persistent - Random MAC addresses will be generated based on each network the device is connected to. Here, the MAC address is re randomized at the start of every connection.
  • Device MAC address - Device's default MAC address will be used.
success success From Android 13 and above. From Android 13 and above.
Security type Choose the security type as None/WEP/WPA/WPA2 PSK/ 802.1x EAP (WPA 2 Enterprise and WPA 3 Enterprise) success success success success
(Can be configured only if Security type is configured)
Specify the Password if you have chosen the security type as WEP / WPA/WPA2 PSK success success success success
EAP Method
(Can be configured only if Security type is '802.1x EAP')
If you have chosen the security type as 802.1x EAP, then you need to specify the type of authentication as PEAP/TLS/TTLS/ EAP PWD success success success success
Phase 2 Authentication
(Can be configured only if Security type is '802.1x EAP')
Specify the Phase 2 Authentication type as PAP/MSCHAP/MSCHAPV2/GTC success success success success
Domain Name
(Can be configured only if Security type is '802.1x EAP')
Specify the domain name of the authentication server that verifies the Wi-Fi credentials. Applicable only for devices running Android 6.0 and above. success failured success success
Identity Using %UserName% will fetch the appropriate user name mapped with the device. You can also specify a user name if you wanted to distribute this profile to one device. If you distribute a profile by providing a user name to more than one device, then all the devices will try to establish Wi-Fi connectivity with the same user name. success success success success
Anonymous Identity If you do not want to disclose the user name mapped with the device, while establishing the Wi-Fi connection then you can use anonymous user name. Anonymous user name will use a dummy, anonymous identity to establish the connection success success success success
CA Certificate (Supported from Android 4.3) Choose the existing Global Certificate or add a Global certificate to authenticate the device in order to establish the Wi-Fi connectivity. This will work only if the Wi-Fi certificate is configured in the Wi-Fi server. User specific certificates will be supported soon success success success success
Identity Certificate Specify the ceritificate to be used for Certificate-based authentication(CBA). success success success success
Proxy Settings (Samsung-only feature, supported from Android 4.0) Choose the type of proxy as "None" or "Manual". If you choose the proxy type as "None", then no proxy is required. If you choose to specify the proxy as manual, then you will have to fill in the details mentioned below success failured failured failured
(Can be configured only if Security type is 'Manual')(Samsung-only feature, supported from Android 4.0)
Specify the proxy server name success failured failured failured
(Can be configured only if Security type is 'Manual')(Samsung-only feature, supported from Android 4.0)
Specify the port number success failured failured failured
Bypass URLs
(Can be configured only if Security type is 'Manual')(Samsung-only feature, supported from Android 4.0)
Specify the URLs which should not be routed via proxy success failured failured failured

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Ensure the SSID, password and the security type are correctly specified.
  2. If a device is already connected to a particular Wi-Fi connection, it cannot be re-configured using a Wi-Fi policy.
  3. If the distributed Wi-Fi configuration isn't working properly, try adding it manually on the Android device and ensure the correctness of the configuration. If you're able to add manually but not through MDM, contact MDM Support(MDM-support@manageengine.com)
  4. If you are able to connect manually but not able to connect when you push through MDM, kindly send the agent logs for further analysis


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