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Device Reports

Organizations with a predominantly mobile-only workforce require frequent collection of asset data and also have them collated into a readable form. MDM MSP lets you generate a wide range of reports on the go, including overall device reports to granular reports based on specific requirements. Additionally, you can also choose to create your own reports and have the report generation scheduled as well. The other advantage with these reports, is that you can choose to export them to a wide variety of formats such as PDF, TXT etc., Further, you can have the reports delivered to inbox as well. The following pre-defined reports can be generated using MDM MSP:

  1. Apps by devices : All the managed devices are listed by the apps installed on it.
  2. Device with/without specific apps : Devices can be listed together based whether an app is present on the device or not.
  3. Devices by model : Devices are listed based on their model number
  4. Devices by passcode type : Devices are listed based on their passcode type(Pattern, PIN etc.,).
  5. Devices by enrollment time : Devices are listed based on the exact time, when the device was enrolled with MDM MSP
  6. Inactive devices : All inactive devices(devices not in contact with the server for some time) are listed.
  7. Blocklisted apps summary : All the blocklisted apps and the devices on which these apps are installed.
  8. Devices with blocklisted apps : All the devices having blocklisted apps are installed/detected are listed.
  9. Rooted devices : All the rooted devices are listed.
  10. Devices by storage encryption : Devices are listed based on storage encryption type.
  11. Jail broken devices : All jail broken devices are listed.
  12. Newly detected apps : Apps that are newly found to be installed on the managed devices.
  13. Devices with back up in Cloud : Devices having back up in Cloud are listed.

For all app-based reports ensure you've configured the App Settings in the Inventory tab. To configure, click on the Inventory tab on MDM MSP web console and select Apps from the left menu. Then click on the Settings tab and under App Settings, configure the type of apps you want MDM MSP to manage and by extension, generate reports on.

All the above mentioned reports can be retrieved easily, by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. On the MDM MSP web console, navigate to Inventory tab.
  2. Choose the report that you wanted to view
  3. The generated report can then be exported as .pdf, .csv or .xls format.

You can also choose to ensure the data sent via reports, can be masked/removed or let the technician decide every time.

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